Day 1) Students from Yap arrived at Tokyo ヤップからの中高生が来日

Students arrived to Narita International airport. 成田空港に到着したヤップの若者たち
Seven students and two chaperons fro Yap island, Micronesia, have arrived at Tokyo in the morning of Sunday, 11 March and were greeted by Japanese young volunteers. The students will stay in Japan for 10 days to learn about environment, like garbage and waste water issues in Tokyo and in rural area.

The study tour was organized by ECOPLUS, a non-profit organization based in Japan, with the support of Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund, United Airlines, Patagonia Japan and other organizations and citizens.

They departed Yap in the very early morning of the day and changed the plane in Guam. When they reached to the Tokyo international airport, 14 young Japanese were waiting for them. The temperature in Tokyo was like 10 C or 50 F. Many of students were saying it was a bit cold. They were given warm jackets and ride on the bus to the Tokyo Central Youth Hostel.

Walking around the hostel with Japanese students.
After checking in to the youth hostel, they took a walk around the area to observe the difference and similarities between Japan and Yap.

Professor NAKANO Kazunori of Nihon University joined them at 3:30 pm and gave then a hands-on lecture how to manage the quality of waste water from houses. They got sample water from the river next to the hostel and did experiments to filter those water through gravels, sand, and charcoal.

It was quite dense and long day for Yapese students but they were still so excited.

Students from Yap in the bus to Tokyo with Japanese friends. 成田空港からバスで都心に向かうヤップと日本の若者たち



Experiment to filter the water.
