








Day +3 ) Reflection by Volunteers ボランティアスタッフの振り返り会

TAKANO Takako, executive director of ECOPLUS, hosted the reflection session.
A reflection session by volunteers for “Welcome Yap” Project in past two weeks was held in Waseda University in Tokyo in the evening of Friday, 23 March. Among eleven volunteers, eight persons and a videographer who had been with us almost the period joined the meeting.


They donated their time and money for the project heavily since the first meeting in last November accumulating meetings and site visits to identify the most ideal places for the Yapese students. All of activities of each day was organized by responsible team members of the day. One of volunteers was an IT engineer who took days off for this project and joined almost entire period.


Volunteers exchanged opinions with smiles.
During the meeting, they exchange comments and fanny stories during the time, watching photos of Yapese students during the project. Many commented they will come back to Yap to see students they spent time together this time.


The project was supported by so many students, families, ex-participants of ECOPLUS’s program in Yap, and organizations, like Keidanren Nature Reserve Fund, United Airlines, Patagonia, Minamiuonuma City Board of Education.


Day 9) Reporting Session with a lot of smiles 笑顔に包まれた最後の報告会

Reflection discussion in Tokyo

Today, we went back from Niigata to Tokyo by bus. It was impressive that the students from Yap tried to see out of the window not to forget the scenery of Niigata. In the bus, they reflected what they had done in these nine days with the pictures.



Reporting Session with a lot of persons.

After arrived at Tokyo, they deepened their learnings during this program and discussed what kind of future did they want in Yap. Then, they considered what they could do by themselves to make it happen.

During a farewell party in the evening, the students from Yap gave a presentation about their desired future of Yap and their learnings. Many people came and joined the farewell party including our supporters, host families and the people who had been to Yap. Thanks to them, it was a worm and wonderful party.


Reported by NAOI Saki and ITO Sakurako

DAY 8) Coming back with big smiles from homestay ホームステイ後、笑顔で再会

Discussion reflecting the days in Japan started
  After the Yapese students gathered with their host families in the morning 18th March, they had a social gathering. We saw their big smiles in the pictures during homestay, so that we could immediately find they had a wonderful time. Also, Yapese students gave a presentation and introduced about Yap, and their host families listened carefully.

Discussion continued, ふり返りの議論が続きます
After that, they enjoyed making ice-cream by making good use of snow, and playing with snow. Then, they had a reflection session about these days, and shared their findings and thoughts from their own perspectives.

For dinner, they ate more than the first day. We kept laughing during dinner and seemed to get to know well each other through these eight days.夕食では初日より食べる量が増えていたり、笑いが絶えなかったり、8日間もの間一緒に過ごしてきたことを実感しました。

Reported by SHINOHARA Ayumi and OZAKI Yuka

Slowly but Surely, ©TORIYAMA Yoshiki

(G C F C)

Our keyword is not a word. It’s more like something warm.

Our keyword is not a word. It’s more like something fun.

We were born in different islands.

We didn’t know each other.

But we just laugh together now,

as if we’ve been friends.

(C D Bm7 Em)

Slowly but just surely, we got closer. We got closer.

It was slowly but just surely, we got closer. We got closer.

Our keyword is not a word. It’s more like something warm.

Our keyword is not a word. It’s more like something fun.

(Em A Bm7 C/D A Bm7 C)

Cherish what you have. 今あるものを大切に。

Cherish what you have. Chothowliy ea Nam Rom(ツソーリ ア ノム ロム)

Slowly but just surely, we got closer. We got closer.

It was slowly but just surely, we got closer. We got closer.

“Slowly but surely..” a song by Toriyama

At the end of the farewell party, TORIYAMA Yoshiki, a volunteer once visited Yap, sang a song written by himself. He was inspired by many words spoken by Yapese youth in the program. The phrase, “slowly but surely,” is also from a Yapese participant.

フェアウェルパーティの後、過去のプログラムでヤップ島にも滞在したことがある鳥山さんが、今回の滞在に同行しながら作成した歌を披露しました。ヤップの若者たちの言葉をちりばめた素敵な歌でした。タイトルになった「slowly but surely」も、参加者の一人の言葉だそうです。