
Day +3 ) Reflection by Volunteers ボランティアスタッフの振り返り会

TAKANO Takako, executive director of ECOPLUS, hosted the reflection session.
A reflection session by volunteers for “Welcome Yap” Project in past two weeks was held in Waseda University in Tokyo in the evening of Friday, 23 March. Among eleven volunteers, eight persons and a videographer who had been with us almost the period joined the meeting.


They donated their time and money for the project heavily since the first meeting in last November accumulating meetings and site visits to identify the most ideal places for the Yapese students. All of activities of each day was organized by responsible team members of the day. One of volunteers was an IT engineer who took days off for this project and joined almost entire period.


Volunteers exchanged opinions with smiles.
During the meeting, they exchange comments and fanny stories during the time, watching photos of Yapese students during the project. Many commented they will come back to Yap to see students they spent time together this time.


The project was supported by so many students, families, ex-participants of ECOPLUS’s program in Yap, and organizations, like Keidanren Nature Reserve Fund, United Airlines, Patagonia, Minamiuonuma City Board of Education.


Day 9) Reporting Session with a lot of smiles 笑顔に包まれた最後の報告会

Reflection discussion in Tokyo

Today, we went back from Niigata to Tokyo by bus. It was impressive that the students from Yap tried to see out of the window not to forget the scenery of Niigata. In the bus, they reflected what they had done in these nine days with the pictures.



Reporting Session with a lot of persons.

After arrived at Tokyo, they deepened their learnings during this program and discussed what kind of future did they want in Yap. Then, they considered what they could do by themselves to make it happen.

During a farewell party in the evening, the students from Yap gave a presentation about their desired future of Yap and their learnings. Many people came and joined the farewell party including our supporters, host families and the people who had been to Yap. Thanks to them, it was a worm and wonderful party.


Reported by NAOI Saki and ITO Sakurako

“Slowly but surely..” a song by Toriyama

At the end of the farewell party, TORIYAMA Yoshiki, a volunteer once visited Yap, sang a song written by himself. He was inspired by many words spoken by Yapese youth in the program. The phrase, “slowly but surely,” is also from a Yapese participant.

フェアウェルパーティの後、過去のプログラムでヤップ島にも滞在したことがある鳥山さんが、今回の滞在に同行しながら作成した歌を披露しました。ヤップの若者たちの言葉をちりばめた素敵な歌でした。タイトルになった「slowly but surely」も、参加者の一人の言葉だそうです。

Presentation and Farewell, March 29th 報告会とパーティ

(by Sakane Natsumi) Today we would have a presentation and a farewell party.
In the morning, students in three groups resumed their work to prepare for the presentation from 9 o’clock.
Yesterday we mainly discussed what the Yapese kids had learned through the program, and at the night, we started to think about what society they want to be in the future. Today, we worked out ideas on poster-pape. They looked very fun to write their posters.

At 11:30, we went to the Micronesian Embassy.
The building is not so big. However, all stuff members in the embassy including the ambassador welcomed us with a big heart. Although, the time was short but we really had a good time.
130329大使館s 130329桜で遊ぶs
During the going and returning, there were a lot of cherry blossoms along the streets. We walked beneath a blizzard of falling cherry blossoms. The children were so lucky that they could see both cherry blossoms and snow during the one stay in Japan. When we went back to the hotel at 2:00, some resumed their work, others enjoyed their free time and the others took a nap until 4:30. Then we moved to Tokyo Science University which was today’s venue.

The presentation session started at 6:00.
MC was Christopher. Although it was his first time to do MC but he did very well. Kammagar Christopher!
All the kids made really nice presentations and declarations. I hope this presentation will help them think more about their future and make better tomorrow.

After the session, the next was a farewell party.
Many people including the sponsors and the host families came to have a fun with us chatting, having a dinner and sharing their experiences.
After a small chat, each student expressed their experiences and their feelings. Then Ms.Inaba taught and had these kids experience the tea ceremony. After the tea ceremony, kids sang songs. The time was limited but people seemed to enjoy their time in a warm atmosphere.

The end of the party, we made a surprise for Ms.Takano. Actually, the next day was Ms.Takako’s birthday! We gave her a message card, singed wood-board and a cake.
By coincidence, the first day of this program is Mr.Ohmae’s birthday and the last day is Ms.Takano’s birthday.
Not only for Yapese kids but also for the stuff members, this program was meaningful. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Ms.Takano and Mr.Ohmae for all the work they had done.

Because of the time pressures, we took a group photo outside and finally Yoshiki sang a song with his gutter. He made the song named “slowly but surely”. The song was really nice and the audiences’ spirits pick up!

After the party, we had the last reflection meeting at the hotel.








時間がおしてしまったので、外で記念写真と鳥山さんのライブ。彼は今回、ずっとプログラム中スタッフとして同行しており、この経験で感じたことをかいた「slowly but surely」という曲を28日に作詞作曲。大いに盛り上がりました。

そんなこんなでホテルに帰ったあと、最後の簡単な振り返りミーティング。今日の報告担当 坂根菜摘

Business day, March 22nd, 3月22日企業を訪問

Today, we study all the day. After we checked out Youth Hostel, we went to a construction company by train. This is first time for them to take a train. The company is involved with Yap very much. We have very careful explanation about “development and environment” in this company. For Yap, development is very important word. “What do they want to change Yap from now on?” This is important question for them. In the afternoon, we moved by subway and visit the hotel, after we had lunch. “What can we do for environment in this business we know that obviously destroys environment. We must think too many things. And thank you for these companies to welcome kindly. After visiting these companies, we went to Hibiya Park, saw stone money which set in there, and came back to Youth Hostel. On arriving there, we had an explanation about homestay. After that, they were picked up by their host family.

130322前田講座01s 今日は一日勉強の日でした。午前中はユースホステルをチェックアウトした後、初めての電車に乗り、ヤップ島とも関係の深い建設会社に行ってきました。ここでは、開発と環境についてとても丁寧に説明してもらいました。



How do they feel about first trip by train? They looked little nervous for using tickets and riding on a train. And some Yapese was surprising at big noise made by train. Then, I wonder they have no idea to look stone money in Japan, they were surprised at stone money in Hibiya Park. Some Yapese thought why does this stone money fall sideways, another thought how valuable is this stone money. If you want to see the stone money, please look for!!

130322地下鉄の切符 初めての電車移動はみんなにとってどうだったのでしょうか。初めて切符を使って改札を通り、ほとんどの子が初めて乗る電車に緊張しながら乗っていました。電車から降りた後、電車が通りすぎるたびにする大きな音にとても驚いている子もいました。また、日本で見るとは思わなかったのか、日比谷公園にある石貨にもみんな驚いていたみたいです。驚きながらも、石貨の向きがちょっとおかしくて首をひねっている子や石貨の価値が気になっている子もいました。気になった方は日比谷公園で石貨を探してみてください!


They may be tired because they had so many newly experiences in few days. But can they relax at their homestay? Please enjoy your homestay!! I’m looking forward to sharing their experiences!

P.S. Sorry for being late for submitting;;
Written by Yuki Yoshimura

Home stay! ホームステイに出発

At 5 p.m. family members were showing up to pick up their hosting students. Many of those visited Yap before and now are grown up having their own family members. Yapese students were a bit nervous but with those young sisters and brothers, they headed to their homes with smile.



Lunch and subway, お昼ご飯と地下鉄

During corporate visits, students took lunch in an open cafeteria in central business area, Yurakucho.



On the way back to the hostel, they experienced to take a ride on subway.



Visiting big businesses, 大企業を訪問

The day 3 would be ‘Big business day.’ Students started to have a lecture at Maeda corporation, a global construction company which once build fishing harbors and large freezers in Yap.   The company provided them a overview of environmental issues in general and then moved to their cases in their development activities. 130322前田講座渡辺さんs



On the way to Maeda corporation, students took a ride on a commuting train.

