






エコプラス30周年記念「 知恵と体験の大バザール」詳報




 そうした仲間が、 エコプラスのテーマ「人・自然・異文化」を軸に、それぞれの知見・体験をもちより、自らのチャレンジを紹介し、交流し合える「バザール」です。


  • 浦邉藻琴さん(エコプラスの南魚沼での活動に参加・取材) 「なぜ“リモートじゃダメ”なのか?」

 2児と過ごしつつTV番組を作っています。「何で?」が口癖です。ドキュメンタリー取材の際、私はリモート技術が普及してからも必ず相手に会いに行きます。それは “リモートじゃダメ”だと感じるからです。では何が“ダメ”なのか?言葉にしにくいこの違和感。しかし私は、合理化が進む現代を生きる上でとても大切な感覚だと信じています。簡単な実験や議論から、一緒に違和感の正体を考えてみませんか?

  • 江﨑淳一さん(南魚沼での活動や国際シンポジウムに参加)「エコプラスとの関わりとSDGs教育」


  • 川上真理子さん(ヤップ島や南魚沼での活動に参加):「池田町の暮らし実践(副題:地方と都市or古民家or食)」


  • 酒井富美さん(エコプラスにスタッフとして関わる)「地域(旧伊南村)での今の暮らし」



  • 陶山佳久さん(ヤップ島プログラムにスタッフとして参加、エコプラス副代表理事)「DNA分析技術を自然保護のために活かす:森林分子生態学者としての研究」


  • 高野義寛さん(1994年ヤップ島プログラム参加)「脱炭素牛肉を巡る珍騒動」


  • 高橋佐和子さん(エコプラスを支援する企業の広報担当、国際シンポジウムなどに参加)「地域から世界へ:バリ島の独自性と多様性」


  • 當銘朋恵さん(ヤップ島プログラム参加)「南の島の星と民話と暮らしの話」


  • 村上由美さん(国際シンポジウム参加など)「世田谷区で子ども食堂の活動をして感じていること」


  • 矢原陽子さん(ヤップ島プログラム参加、ヤップの若者の日本研修ではホスト役も)「合氣道 護身術体験と調和的な人とのつながり方」


Ex-participants enjoyed talking online with friends

Big reunion of Yap & Kaohagan Program Cerebrating 30th year



Celebrating 30th year since ECOPLUS started the program in Yap, Micronesia and Kaohagan in the Philippines, a big reunion was held online on Sept. 4, 2021. Ex-participants who were elementary students to early 20s were now well grown adults living in all over Japan and the world from Hokkaido to Okinawa, US, Europe, Australia and other Asian countries. All of those enjoyed talking with old friends doing the session.

I addition to the ex-participants and supporting staff, we had Tina, Linda, both participated invitation tour to Japan in 1997, and En, Sean, both participated Japan tour in 2013, 17 and 19, from Yap.



Under the direction of Nigatsu, participated in 1994, and Daisuke, participated in 1999, the event was proceeded. TAKANO Takako, executive director of ECOPLUS had a presentation about the situation of Yap and Kaohagan. OHMAE Jun-ichi, Manager of ECOPLUS, explained about it projects in Yap for sustainable future.

Based on the year of participation, we broke out into 18 sessions. Some were first time to join in such reunion but participants clearly identified each other with old memory and chatting were not easy to be stopped.



In the second general session, messages from Yap were given then 4 ex-participants had short talk about their life after the program. One person working for a Japanese trading company stationed in Australia said “I leaned the way to hear the voice from the different culture in the program. It was the base for my life. Now the capitalism is seeking the harmonious relations with the nature. It might be the good time for the ex-participants to work together”.




After another breakout session, the event was concluded in two hours and 15 minutes. After the official closing, still we had an half of the participants in the conference room and continued talking.

During the meeting faces of some month old babies to junior high children were repeatedly appeared. In these 30 years, a wave of one generation surely progressed.

“What is the true happiness?” This was the main common theme of our past programs. Through out the session, each person looks like living their life with this question in mind.


The First Online Conference connecting Micronesian Island and Japan for Sustainable Future



The first online conference connecting Yap and Japan was held on Saturday, February 20, 2021. Islanders of Yap joined the conference; Sean Gaarad was from Chuuk, Ivan En was from Pohnpei, Tina Filled was from Guam, and Jeff Marbey and Ezekiel Ken from Yap. From Japan side, in total of 8 persons including ex-participants of Yap-Japan Cultural exchange program joined.


The theme was “How to realize the sustainable society of Tamil municipality, Yap”. In the conference, we had a presentation by Sean and live reports from ocean side of village of Maaq and Merur in Tamil. It was a part of the project called “Sustainable Tamil,” supported by Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund, Japan.



Although Yap now has a submarine fiber optical cable connection since 2019, its local network is still depending on ADSL connection using metal cables. So the connection was unstable, however, viewers from Japan could see the views around their familiar men’s houses with the sound of wind and waves. Participants, some of those joined the program about two decades ago, had very memorable time over the screen.


First, Sean, a core member of the project, introduced the Tamil municipality and reported on the current status of the project.

The cultural characteristics of Tamil are that they respect each other, history and culture are inherited in practical ways such as oral tradition and dances, the community cooperates for a common purpose, and the existence of the family is very important. 



In the project, a trial of “ecotourism” was set as one of main goals. Ecotourism aims to create a sustainable tourism that has less impact on the environment and society. In other words, it seeks to benefit both visitors and the community as a whole.


To begin with the preparation for ecotourism, villagers walked around each village to identify the ‘gems’ which are valuable to themselves and also to the visitors. It was meaningful for villagers to learn some histories and natural characteristics in the area. 

In addition, it was reported that Maaq and Merur village were ready to host both homestay and group-stay visitors. It was also informed that meetings, about what food would be provided to visitors, would be held in coming weeks. 


There is not something “Always showcased luxury” in Tamil but there is something in the living life that can amaze visitors. For instance, fruits, scenery, local dance and so on. In the final discussion, Sean asked Japanese participants which of the five keywords “culture, natural environment, people, accommodation, activities” would be the most interesting to people. The participants from Japan exchanged their opinions to answer the question.


  • 5つ全ての要素を貫くような体験が良いのではないか。
  • いわゆる「観光客」ではなく、本質的な学びを期待する人たちを対象にしたらどうか。
  • 地元の子供や若者を巻き込むことで、外から来た人たちがヤップの文化をどのように評価しているのかを知る機会になるのではないか。
  • ヤップの人々がどのように関わり合っているのかを知ることが一番インパクトがあり重要ではないか。
  • アクティビティはお金を払ってやるようなものではなくて、星空の下で海に入るなどのヤップにいることを感じることが大事ではないか。
  • どこまでローカルにするかが課題。初めて訪れた人にとっては、トイレやシャワーなどの最低限の設備も必要になるはず。

Feedback from Japanese participants:

  • All of the 5 elements are important. To integrate whole experiences would be important.
  • Target the visitors not like the people who come to Colonia as a ‘tourist’, but those who really want to learn from the locals.
  • It is good to invite local children and youth to the ecotour. It will be a good opportunity even for them to know how foreigners appreciate the local culture and nature they have, and visitors can also see how the cultures and wisdoms are inherited in Yap. 
  • To see how Yapese people are interacting with each other is the most impressive and important. 
  • It is important just to be in Yap, not buying experience. 
  • How much of the depth of the locality the host would provide to the visitors? For those who visit Yap for the first time, basic facilities such as toilets and showers would be needed or not…



Although the project plan had to change due to Covid-19, it was a good opportunity to know the possibilities to connect online and share the information.  (reported by NAOI Saki)



ECOPLUS supported an online “service learning practicum” of Rikkyo university based in Tokyo, on 7 to 10 February, at Minamiuonuma city, Niigata.


In past years, the program had been conducted as three nights and four days actual program staying in the snowy village, Tochikubo, learning the reality of current Japanese society through volunteer works like snow shoveling. However, because of Covid-19, the program of this year was totally conducted on-line.


Students learned the situation of the village with video materials including footage of snow shoveling on the roof, interferes of the locals and introduction of the elementary school in the village with a total of 12 students from 1 to 6 grade. Then, online interactive session was held.


On 8 Feb., the interactive session with the elementary school was held. Kids presented what they learned during the school year with dance and play, then university and elementary students were communicated over the screen.


Also TAKANO Takako, an executive director of ECOPLUS and a visiting professor of Rikkyo university, visited community homes holding her laptop computer for the live interviews to offer the students the reality of the live and farming business in the snowy community.


Despite the hard situation by Covid-19, students looked like deepened understandings about the situation of Japanese society and acquired skills how to investigate current situation of the society and the prospect for the sustainable future.