Ecoplus conducted “the camp in the deep snow” from Mar 21 to 24, 2023, in Shimizu village, in Niigata, Japan. Unfortunately we could not set the period including weekend, we had only four university students but they acquired a lot of knowledges and skills from the local people and enjoyed self build simple life on the snow for four days.
Although we had less snow than normal years In this winter, we had more than 1 meter of snow in Shimizu area. The weather conditions was dry and warm in early days, but later part we had not snow but rain.
In this camp, we slept in tents on the snow. We cooked on the snow making fire on the snow. We kept melting snow in a big pot on fire for drinking and cooking water. Students learnt how to use shovels for cutting snow to make objects such as tables and sitting place.
In the night of Mar 22, we had very clear sky without any clouds and the moon. So stars were sharp and bright filling all direction. Students laid on the snow for stargazing and they were excited to observe bright meteors.
In these convenient daily life environments, only with one action, we can get hot water, bright lights, and flash toilet instantly. Apart from such “convenient life,” we need to prepare fire wood, make fire, melt snow and play with its own creative ideas. Through such actions one by one, the faces of students changed clearly.
Local people kindly joined the program and vividly talked about the history, the nature, mountains, animals and life of the area. One of students commented that the life would be more free rather than just following a fixed path thought be “successful.“
ECOPLUS conducted snow camp from March 20 to 22 in a mountainous village, Shimizu in Niigata, Japan with 12 participants including high school, university students and young adults. TAKANO Takako, executive director of ECOPLUS, Shimizu villagers and 2 other staff supported the program.
Due to extraordinary warm weather condition of this winter, snow was far less than normal. We only had 50cm to 1 meter of snow at the filed where it should have more than 2 meters. However, wet snow and strong wind suddenly came when the participants began to set up the tents, toilets, the fireplace and other facilities.
Finally they set up the living space. Creative boys’ and ladies’ toilets were built in snow decorated with leaves and trees. Cooking was also done on the snow. They cut vegetables on the snow table and made fire on the snow.
On day 2, we enjoyed snow shoe hike under the blue sky. Using traditional Japanese snow shoes, called “Kan-Jiki,” we started walking. On the surface of snow, many animal footprints were spotted. The villager, ABE Kazuyoshi, taught us they were raccoon’s or marten’s. We also found marks of hares, squirrels and others.
During three days, we spent time on the snow; cooking, eating, talking, playing, sleeping, and so on. Villagers offered us a big pod of wild bore stew and wild deer curry and rice. They talked about life and nature now and then. We concentrated our senses on listening, watching, communicating, without being annoyed by modern devices. By simply using time just for living, participants had rich and dense learning experiences.
ECOPLUS will conduct a snow camp in a mountainous village, Shimizu, in Niigata from March 20 to 22, 2020. The area is know as the deepest snow area in Japan which has 4 meters of snow in mid-winter. Even in March, we expect more than 1 meter of snow. Participants will enjoy snow and learn the ways of living in snow. English language support available.
TAKANO Takako, the executive director of ECOPLUS, who travelled over frozen Arctic Ocean and other remote areas in the world will organize the project. With the strong support from the local people, participants will learn the knowledges and skills of the mountainous village and will enjoy the beauty and power of the snow.
Participants: Youth over 15 years old, like his school and college students. Junior high students may be joined based on the situation.
Program : Camping on snow, Hiking with Japanese snow shoes, dynamic snow sliding, Cooking, Snow toilet, Making snow statues, Sledging, and any other creative activities on snow.
Assembling; 10:50 am, March 20, at Shiozawa Station, of Jyoestu Line. Toki 309, departing Tokyo at 8:52 has easier connection at Echigo-Yuzawa station.
Break up: 15:30, March 22, at Shiozawa Station, of Jyoestu Line. (tentative)
Fees: 23,000 JPY including food and tent accommodations, programs, insurance. Travel cost and rental gears are excluded.
Boat tour in the shinny lagoon. 光り輝くサンゴ礁の海をゆく 2018年のヤップ島プログラムが、8月18日から29日まで、現地10泊の日程で行われ、日本から高校生大学生計9人が、ヤップ島タミル地区デチュムル村で、自然に近い現地の暮らしを体験させてもらいました。村人からは、連日、パンの実やタロイモ、魚、カニなどの食材を差し入れてもらい、マット編みや魚取りなど自然の中での暮らしの技を教わりました。
ECOPLUS conducted its flagship program, Yap-Japan Cultural Exchange Program 2018 from 18 to 29 August with nine students from high school to university in Dechumur village, Tamil, Yap. Provided cooked and un-coocked food like bread fruit, taro, fishes, crabs and others, students learnt a lot of locals skills like, weaving coconuts fronds or fishing in the ocean.
このプログラムは1992年に始めてから今年で27年目。デチュムル村では初めての実施でした。 Setting doors to the toilet and shower room. 用意してもらったトイレとシャワーにドアを付ける。 滞在したのは、コンクリート平屋建てのウィメンズハウス。女性たちの集会場です。トイレとシャワー、炊事場は、屋外に用意してもらいました。トイレは、地面を掘って7本の丸太を渡し、中央に穴を空けた構造。周囲をヤシの葉っぱで囲ってありました。周囲に生えていた木の丸い葉っぱは、トイレットリーフと呼ばれるソフトな肌触り。分解が早く環境に負荷がかからないので、この葉っぱでおしりをふきました。
The Program started 1992 and since then ECOPLUS continued the program almost every year. For Dechumur village, it was the first time to host the group.
The base of the program was the women’s house of the village. Next to the concrete building, local toilet, shower room and cooking place were set. Next to the toilet, some trees had very soft leaves called “toilet leaf,” so students used those for their daily use. It was easily degraded rather than toilet paper. Low impact was one of the key words of the program.
プログラムのハイライトは、2泊3日のホームステイ。1人づつ別々の家に引き取られていき、3日間を過ごしました。 During a home stay, a student learn how to weave coconut frond. ホームステイ先でヤシの葉編みを教わる。 ヤップには、米国などから新しい文化や経済活動が入り込んできていて、暮らし方は様々。コンクリートの家に電気洗濯機というような家もあれば、大きな木の下にヤシの葉ぶきの伝統的な小屋が並んで、海からの漁で暮らしを支えている家もありました。
One of the most impressive experiences was homestay. Each student was accepted by a different family for 2 nights. Modern economy and culture are changing Yap’s traditional lifestyle but the situations are different family by family. A host family was living in thatched roof houses under a huge tree and another host family has electric washing machine. However, family ties are quite strong in all families. During the stay, some families held a celebrating gathering. Through the stay, student impressed by the strong bond among the family members.
Having so many new experiences, like going to fish with local boys in the lagoon, hunting crabs in night time, being surprised the brightness of the moon, students safely return to Narita airport in the morning of 29 August. From students, such comments were continued. “It looks like the program is not yet terminated. We will digest so many things we learnt and those will guide us toward the our own lives for long time.”
They will work together to make an activity report of the program and will held a reporting session in late autumn.