

Virtually experience of the snow country


ECOPLUS conduced an “on-line tour” in Minamiuonuma on Jan 30, 2022. That is one of four tours which were organized by a tour company called “KNOTWORLD” with the budget of Niigata prefecture government.


For the tour, we had more than 30 participants from all over Japan from Hokkaido to Okinawa. From 11 a.m. the tour was started under the theme of “snow” guided by TAKANO Takako, executive director of ECOPLUS.


At the beginning, snow cover rice field of Tochikubo village was introduced. The place is 300 meters higher than town center. So the snow was reaching to 3 meters. Then, the camera moved to the house of Mr. FUEKI Akira, who has been growing non-chemical organic rice. He explained the harvest of the last season was good because of well weather condition.


The sun-dried non-chemical organic rice was delivered to the participants in advance so that they prepared cooked rice for this “tour.” Tasting the rice together, comment filed was filled with voices, like “Texture is soft,” “Sweet,” “Well sticky,” and “Grains are powerful.”


Mr. FUEKI also showed us how to manage a lot of snow fallen on the roof using traditional wooden slide. Participants learned the ways of living in deep snow.


In the later part of the tour, we visited Shiozawa Tsumugi Textile Museum. The area has more than 1,200 years of history of fabric. In old days, hemp closes and later silk ones were weaved. Mr. NAGUMO Masanori, the curator, explained the process from getting strings from fiber of outer skin of hemp plant to weaving with very traditional weaving mechanism.


Although it was a very short and on-line tour, participants asked many questions and comments through out the program and many are enjoying eating rice during this lunch time period while joining the tour.


It was the first time for ECOPLUS to organize the virtual tour. We learned a lot about online techniques, skills and tips for such unpredictable time caused by COVID-19. We really appreciate the kind support and collaboration by all participants and related persons today.