On 1st February, ECOPLUS holds an international symposiumCommunity, Place and Learningat Rikkyo University, Tokyo. With special guest speakers from Australia and Hawaii, the symposium will provide us an opportunity to consider the way to combine Place and Learningfor sustainable living.
With distinguished researchers and practitioners, ECOPLUS has undertaken a 3-year project to explore the meanings ofPlace-based Educationin modern context in Japan. With special guest speakers from Australia and Hawaii, the symposium will provide us an opportunity to consider the way to combine Place and Learningfor sustainable living.
*Date: 1st February (Wed), 2014
*Place: Rikkyo University Tachikawa Memorial Hall (Tokyo, Ikebukuro)
*Guest Speakers: Dr. Ron Tooth (Principal of Pullenvale Environmental Education Centre, Australia)
Ms. Kukui Maunakea-Forth (Executive Director of Waianae Community Re-Development Corporation, Hawaii)
*Commentators: Dr. Peter Renshaw (Head of School of Education, Queensland University, Australia)
*Organizers: ECOPLUS / Rikkyo University Research Center for ESD
*Supported by Japan Outdoor Education Society / The Japanese Society of Environmental Education
*Funded by Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE)
*Admission free