
高野代表理事が、Dragonfly Awardを受賞・・・米国でのPBEカンファレンスで

TAKANO Takako Received Dragonfly Award at PBE Conference in Flint, MI

 エコプラスの高野孝子代表理事は、2019年11月8日に米国ミシガン州で開かれたPlace Based Education Conferenceで、長年にわたっての場の教育への取り組みに対して「ドラゴンフライアワード」を受賞しました。1990年代から、アラスカやミクロネシア、日本の農山村などを舞台に、その地で積み重ねられた自然と共生する知恵と技を基礎とした学びを構築してきたことが評価されました。

TAKANO Takako, executive director of ECOPLUS, received “Dragonfly Award” at Place Based Education Conference in Flint, Michigan in the US on November 8, 2019 for her two decades long efforts for the PBE. The organizer of the conference, Mary Whitman of Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative, said that TAKANO was chosen because of her efforts on PBE through adventurous expeditions and other activities in many places in the world for long years.

 このカンファレンスは、五大湖の環境保全を図るための教育活動を展開するGreat Lakes Stewardship Initiative(五大湖保全機構)が主催し、今年が7回目。ミシガン州を中心に、ハワイを含む全米各地、さらに日本、カナダ、ドイツなどから小中高の教師、教職課程をもつ大学関係者、行政関係者ら335人が集まりました。さらに発表には、地元の小中高生たちも加わり、11月8、9日の両日にわたって、分科会と全体会を繰り広げる大きな集まりとなりました。

The conference was organized by Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative, GLSI, and was the seventh meeting with teachers, researchers, academics, administrators and students from 22 states including Hawaii and representatives from Japan, Canada, and Germany. The 335 registered attendees exchanged active conversations throughout the two days of 8 and 9 November.


Variety of PBE in the US


Nearly 90 sessions throughout the conference reported a variety of examples of PBE in formal and informal education. In Michigan, PBE is now embedded in teacher education and more than 20% students are taking PBE courses, one of the professors said.


In the session, titled “What is a priority?”, TAKANO reported her research on programs in Japanese rural villages and on a Micronesian island. Many program participants from cities acquired foundational learning linked to values through direct contact with the nature, culture and people of the place.