
Enjoyed collaborative work in rice paddies

二枚目の田んぼの稲刈りの様子 A lapse shot of harvesting work in the 2nd rice paddy


ECOPLUS conducted the weekend farming workshop, “ABC in a rice paddy,” harvesting work, on 23-24 September 2023. Under the very unusual hot weather conditions, we learned about nature and agriculture in Shiozawa area, which is the heartland of famous Koshihikari rice, and enjoyed harvesting work by hand in non-chemical rice paddies.


On Saturday, the 23rd, the weather was a bit wet. We went to the top of the hill called “Kwanon-sama” at an altitude of 700 meters to observe the Uonuma Basin. Rice fields with yellow (not yet harvested), brown (just harvested) and green (more than weeks after harvest with weeds) made a beautiful patchwork. The soil of the hill is raised seabed that provides minerals to the snow melted water in the spring. These minerals give the best flavor to the rice grown here.


On Sunday the 24th we started harvesting under a beautiful blue sky. Among the 22 participants, only some had the experience of harvesting with sickles. They cut the bottom part of the rice stalks with sickles, then laid on the edge, crossed the bottom part in X-shape, then bundled two into one with dried straws. This was the most difficult part. Making the X shape makes it easier to hang the sheaf on the pole. One commented, “I understood that not only cutting, but also bundling and hanging must be done in one line.

あぜにシートを広げて「青空食堂」。Lunch on the edge.


By 1 pm, which took 4 hours from the beginning, the harvesting works of two rice paddies were completed. We set lunch place on the edge. Taking rice balls of newly harvested rice by the inn, all of us enjoyed talking about the value of rice and the beautiful environment in this area.