Now Accept the “Sun-Dried Organic Rice”
We are happy to announce that the sun-dried organic rice grown in our rice paddy in Tochikubo village, Minamiuonuma, will be harvested shortly with quite high quality shortly. The rice will be dried under the sun a while then in mid-October it will be ready to taste.
From the planting of seedlings to weeding and harvesting, ECOPLUS has been organizing workshops although in this tough time caused by COVID-19. Very limited amount of this precious rice will be available for sale.
No chemical materials, like pesticides and weed killers, were used. Fertilizer is 100% organic. Traditional sun drying process on the rack was taken. Because of so many hand works, such totally organic rice is almost vanished even in this Minamiuonuma, the heart land of famous “Koshihikari Rice.”
Polished 1,300 yen/kg and unpolished 1,200 yen/kg plus shipping. Rice grown with 80% less chemical is also available; polished 800 yen/kg, unpolished 700 yen/kg. Contact tappo@ecoplus or use the form below.