
Rice Planting Workshop on Sep 23/24

Self regulation and PCR test negative, required


  • ハザかけのイロハ田んぼ


On September 23 and 24, ECOPLUS will conduct “Rice Harvesting Workshop” in Tochikubo village, Minamiuonuma as two-day program, only with those who are PCR test negatives.


Experience Japanese traditional rice harvesting by hands in organic rice paddy overseeing gorgeous mountainous view. Set your body and mind free in the safe open air. You may also deepen the insight of rice and agriculture through the workshop, as well as Japanese history and society.

 9月23 日午前11時。宿泊場所のホテルシャトーテル塩沢(新潟県南魚沼市塩沢2071)にお集まり下さい。鉄道で来られる方は、上越線塩沢駅までお越し下さい。迎えを検討します。

Gathering; 11:00 am on September 23, at our accommodations, “Chateau Shiozawa.” The nearest railway station is Shiozawa on JR Joetsu line. Let us know if you use rain, so that we will arrange transportation to the hotel.

活動場所 Location of the rice paddies.
 南魚沼市栃窪地区 イロハ田んぼ=At this rice paddy.

  Joetsu Shinkansen Toki 309
 Departing Tokyo at 08:52, arriving Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:21
  Joetsu local line
 Departing Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:30, arriving Shiozawa at 10:47


Contents and bringing
Harvasting rice by sickles by hands. Will be cancelled only in stormy condition. Bring your own lunch for day one. Clothings may get muddy. Insect repellent, a hat/cap. The boots are needed since it is very muddy. The participation guide will be provided for those whose participation is confirmed.

定員 Limit of participants.
 20人をめどとします。Up to 20 participants.

参加費 Fee
  18,500 JPY including program fee, accommodations with two meals, lunch on Sunday, insurance. Shared room. Single room available with extra 1,000 JPY. 13,500 JPY for students from Junior high to college, 9,500 JPY for primary school students.

申し込み Application
 下のフォームからお申し込み下さい。Please use below application form. 問い合わせは、tappo@ecoplus.jpまで。If needed contact to tappo@ecoplus.jp


Enjoyed the summer nature in day-camps


In this August, ECOPLUS organized four day-camp programs in Minamiuonuma, Niigata. Those were planned to provide opportunities to touch and feel the nature in this seventh wave of COVID-19. In total 39 elementary and junior high students experienced fun in the beech forest, in a pond and in a fresh stream.


 Earlier two camps were held at Amaike camping site in Itsukamachi area and later two were held at Makihata Ssnroku camping site in Shimuzu area.


On August 11 and 12, at Amaike site, we had nature observation in the morning and canoe class in the afternoon. The nature specialist, Mr. FUKAZAWA Kazuki kindly prepared observation note for each of participants. With the note, we walked through the forest with beech trees. Kids learned different types of plants, like, one has good smell called “Kuromoji,” or a poisonous one called “Urushi.” Tiny lizards were caught by participants and could be observed closely.


On August 18 and 19, students experienced nature observation and stream walk. At the elevation of 700 meters without any houses around, the nature was so rich even in the camping area. Uncountable number of red dragonflies, many grasshoppers and butterflies filled the area. Children were running around with nets. For lunch, they sharpened sticks to grill sausages on fire. In the afternoon, they spent time in the stream with snow melted water from the Mt. Makihata. At the end, they played with traditional bow and arrows. The bow was made out of small branches and arrows were stems of pampas grass.


In all four programs, children were heading back to home, saying like “Wanted to keep catching insects more.” Although all of those participants are from Minamiuonuma city, they did not have much of experiences playing in the nature. The programs looked like good opportunity to feel and touch to the natural environment.