


Enjoyed the nature and lifestyle of a rural village in the rice farming workshop, “ABC in a rice paddy”


On the weekend of May 25 and 26, 2024, an Ecoplus Weekend Farming Workshop, “ABC in a Rice Paddy,” was held in Minamiuonuma City, Niigata Prefecture. Nineteen people from the Tokyo metropolitan area, Yamagata and Nagano prefectures participated, ranging from families with elementary school children to university students, young professionals, and senior citizens. Local farmers also supported the event. Under a blue sky, the participants enjoyed farming in chemical-free rice paddies while admiring the dazzling fresh green of Uonuma’s nature.


On the first day, we climbed to the 700-meter-high mountain pass commonly called “Kannon-sama” overlooking the Uonuma Basin to get an overall view of the Uonuma Basin. The mountains on the border of Gunma and Fukushima prefectures were clearly visible in the distance. A number of rare species of butterflies called “Gifucyo” danced around us. On the way back from the pass, we walked along the “old road” that UESUGI Kenshin took when he marched in the Kanto region. We actually walked through the terrain where the land had been hollowed out by the soldiers and horses, and we were reminded of the scene nearly 500 years ago.


The second day, we worked in the rice paddies. In one corner of the rice field were four seedbeds the size of one tatami mat. There, seedlings about 10 centimeters tall were growing in tight rows. Nowadays, seedlings are usually grown in greenhouses with warm conditions, and open-air “water seedbeds” have almost disappeared.


We took on the challenge of removing seedlings from this water nursery, a task that was commonplace until about 50 years ago. Bending over at the waist with both hands outstretched, we scooped out the seedlings as if we were scooping up the soil. The wild millet seedlings were growing in the seedbeds, so we had to identify and remove the millet seedlings. Both were so similar. The participants were challenged to identify the differences.


In the rice field where the rice was to be planted, a hexagonal wooden frame is rolled out to make a mark, and the seedlings are planted on the marks. The work of taking the seedlings, carrying them, and planting them unfolded fluidly as we all found ourselves sharing the work.


In about three hours, we finished the planting of about 150 square meters of rice. The participants then enjoyed a lunch of onigiri (rice balls) at the edge of the rice paddy. Participants left comments such as, “The feeling of putting my hands and feet in the mud made me wonder why I felt so happy,” and “I now understand how rice is grown.


The next workshop will be a weeding session on the weekend of June 22 and 23.


Virtually experience of the snow country


ECOPLUS conduced an “on-line tour” in Minamiuonuma on Jan 30, 2022. That is one of four tours which were organized by a tour company called “KNOTWORLD” with the budget of Niigata prefecture government.


For the tour, we had more than 30 participants from all over Japan from Hokkaido to Okinawa. From 11 a.m. the tour was started under the theme of “snow” guided by TAKANO Takako, executive director of ECOPLUS.


At the beginning, snow cover rice field of Tochikubo village was introduced. The place is 300 meters higher than town center. So the snow was reaching to 3 meters. Then, the camera moved to the house of Mr. FUEKI Akira, who has been growing non-chemical organic rice. He explained the harvest of the last season was good because of well weather condition.


The sun-dried non-chemical organic rice was delivered to the participants in advance so that they prepared cooked rice for this “tour.” Tasting the rice together, comment filed was filled with voices, like “Texture is soft,” “Sweet,” “Well sticky,” and “Grains are powerful.”


Mr. FUEKI also showed us how to manage a lot of snow fallen on the roof using traditional wooden slide. Participants learned the ways of living in deep snow.


In the later part of the tour, we visited Shiozawa Tsumugi Textile Museum. The area has more than 1,200 years of history of fabric. In old days, hemp closes and later silk ones were weaved. Mr. NAGUMO Masanori, the curator, explained the process from getting strings from fiber of outer skin of hemp plant to weaving with very traditional weaving mechanism.


Although it was a very short and on-line tour, participants asked many questions and comments through out the program and many are enjoying eating rice during this lunch time period while joining the tour.


It was the first time for ECOPLUS to organize the virtual tour. We learned a lot about online techniques, skills and tips for such unpredictable time caused by COVID-19. We really appreciate the kind support and collaboration by all participants and related persons today.



ECOPLUS supported an online “service learning practicum” of Rikkyo university based in Tokyo, on 7 to 10 February, at Minamiuonuma city, Niigata.


In past years, the program had been conducted as three nights and four days actual program staying in the snowy village, Tochikubo, learning the reality of current Japanese society through volunteer works like snow shoveling. However, because of Covid-19, the program of this year was totally conducted on-line.


Students learned the situation of the village with video materials including footage of snow shoveling on the roof, interferes of the locals and introduction of the elementary school in the village with a total of 12 students from 1 to 6 grade. Then, online interactive session was held.


On 8 Feb., the interactive session with the elementary school was held. Kids presented what they learned during the school year with dance and play, then university and elementary students were communicated over the screen.


Also TAKANO Takako, an executive director of ECOPLUS and a visiting professor of Rikkyo university, visited community homes holding her laptop computer for the live interviews to offer the students the reality of the live and farming business in the snowy community.


Despite the hard situation by Covid-19, students looked like deepened understandings about the situation of Japanese society and acquired skills how to investigate current situation of the society and the prospect for the sustainable future.


Harvest Organic Rice by Sickles, Oct 13-14, at Minami-Uonuma


In the rice paddies in Tochikubo village, Minami-Uonuma, Niigata, which is the heartland of famous Koshi-Hikari-Rice, ears of rice are getting ripped. With less sun shines since mid-August, the progress is bit late but rice paddies are now having beautiful yellowish color. We will conduct harvesting workshop on 13-14 Oct.

【宿泊】地元の温泉民宿 7,500 円(1泊2食、温泉付き、男女別相部屋)

Program Fee including lunch on day 2 and insurance; 5,000 JPY. Student discount, 50%; Children under 6 years old, lunch fee and insurance only.
Gathering spot; JR Shiozawa Station of Joetsu Line
Accommodations; Local Inn, dormitory rooms male/female separated; 7.500 JPY including dinner/breakfast
Compliment; 2 kg of harvested rice after sun-dried process.

<<Application Form, 申し込み書>>

性別(民宿は、男女別の相部屋です) Sex(必須)

お問い合わせはtappo@ecoplus.jpまで。Contact; tappo@ecoplus.jp



Weeding Workshop at Organic Rice Paddy

35 Students of Waseda Joined the program.


ECOPLUS held organic rice farming workshop called “Tanbo no I-ro-ha” or “ABC in a rice paddy,” on 8-9 June, 2019 at Tochikubo village in Niigata, Japan, having 35 students from Waseda University in Tokyo.

Time Lapse Video shows great progress. 時間短縮ビデオで見る学生たちの草取りパワー


Since we had very limited rain falls in May, some areas of rice paddies dried up and it helped weeds to grow seriously specially at our non-chemical, totally organic paddies. Students waled into the paddy with bare feet and used fully opened hands like as rakes to clear weeds.


Paddies were filled by water thanks to the rain since Friday evening but in most of the paddies the soil was so solid because of long dry condition that it was difficult to push fingers in the soil and we needed to pull out each weeds. Started the work at 9 am on Sunday, it took 4 hours and more to finish two rice paddies which size is over 1,000 square meters.


Beside weeding in rice paddies, villagers gave them lectures, and a specialist conducted nature tour. Through those students had a chance to feel the relationship between nature, life and community. They left comments like, “I strongly leant the true meaning of to live”, “I understood the hardship of farming”, “I should have more appreciation on food”.


Michigan Students Learnt Japan in Minami-Uonuma


ECOPLUS hosted a group of students from University of Michigan from 19 to 20 May in Minami-Uonuma for their learning on the relation with environment, life and culture through experiencing rice planting, weaving and other activities.


The trip was conducted by the relation with Ms. Leslie Pincus of University of Michigan and TAKANO Takako, executive director of ECOPLUS, as a part of their 3 weeks long tour to Japan.

Drying cooked mountain vegetable, “Zenmei.”


On 19th, they strolled around the village of Tochikubo which is located on the slope of around 500 meters elevation. They were deeply impressed by the scenery of mountains covered by white snow and young green, saying “this land might be so expensive.” They also encountered an old lady who was drying mountain vegetable called “Zenmai.”


On 20th, they experienced traditional rice planting by hands. They screamed a bit while they put their bare feet in the muddy soil of the paddy but later they acquired how to plant young seedlings in line and they finished the work in three hours.

Traditional sitting loom, called “IZARI-Bata,” or いざりばた


On the last day, 21st, they came back to the city area, “Shiozawa,” to learn about the local ramie cloth called “Echigo-Zyofu,” which has over a thousand year history. Specialists from Echigo-Jofu technique preservation association demonstrated how to get fibers fro the skin of the plant, how to dye the yarn for patterns, and how to weave. Some of the students experienced actual works by their hands.


Through the three-day stay, they seem to deepen the understanding on the relation with life and nature, like getting fuels from the forest, drinking water from the spring, making the water system running around all the terraced rice paddies.








 ・説明会 4月13日午後3時から、エコプラス事務局で。その他、5月はじめにかけての随時、エコプラス東京事務所や早稲田大学などで
 ・顔見せ会 5月18日(土)午前10時から正午(予定)
 ・事前キャンプ 7月6日、7日…東京近郊でヤップでの生活をイメージしながらキャンプを行います。

 ・顔見せ会 5月18日(土)午前10時から正午(予定)
 ・事前キャンプ 6月29日、30日…東京近郊でヤップでの生活をイメージしながらキャンプを行います。

 特定非営利活動法人ECOPLUS info@ecoclub.org
 03-5294-1441  03-5294-1442(fax)

















【宿泊】地元の温泉民宿 7,500 円(1泊2食、温泉付き、男女別相部屋)



Sushi Party in Niigata, March 25th, 70人近くで巻きずしパーティ

by GOTO Ei

Natsumi, Mr.Ohmae and I went to the supermarket to prepare for today’s exchange session. At 3 pm , we started preparation. Cooking rice, cutting cucumbers and raw fishes.

At 5:30pm, Yapese and host families gathered at Shiozawa Seminar House. The session was held with many local foods. For example, they gave us yellow pickles(Takuan) , sermon, boiled plants(Zenmai), etc. We ate Temaki-sushi.130325懇親会巻きずしs.jpg  130325夜のミーティングs.jpg

At the session, Tina met the family who hosted her 16 years ago. The host mother and father came to the session to meet her. They looked so happy and I was impressed.

Mr. Nozawa, who is a photographer, showed us a picture show. It included pictures of Yap and Japan! I haven’t been to Yap , but want to go there. Because all the pictures were beautiful.

After that, Yapese and Japanese had a meeting each. Yapese finished at 11pm. Chaperones and young staff finished around 12 am. Actually, I was sleepy, but it was very good to talk about many things.





その後は、ヤップと日本の若者がそれぞれ何をこれまで学んだかを議論し、ヤップの若者たちの会話は午後11時まで、日本の若者とスタッフのミーティングは午前零時まで続きました。とっても眠いのですが、いろんなことを話すことができてよかったです。今日の報告担当 後藤瑛