

Weeding Workshop on Sept. 25 and 26

People who finished vaccines, conducted self regulation and/or PCR test negative, only



On Sept 25 and 26, ECOPLUS will conduct “Harvesting Workshop” in Tochikubo village, Minamiuonuma as one-day program, only with those who finished vaccines and self regulation or PCR negative persons. Come to the rice paddy with your lunch, drinks and snacks.

  • 趣旨
  • Summary
    Experience traditional harvesting works by hand in organic rice paddy overseeing gorgeous mountainous view. You will experience cutting stems by a sickle, binding those by straws, then hanging sheaves on drying structure called “haza.” Have your body and mind refreshed in the open air field. You may also deepen the insight of food and farming through the workshop.
  • 集合時刻
  • Schedule
    Gathering; 09:30 am on site, if you come later just inform us. Closed around 03:00 pm.
  • 内容
  • 服装と持ち物
  • Clothes and bringing
    Your lunch (no shops in the village), drinks and snacks. Long sleeve working clothes. working globes, hat/cap, your own cup, water bottle, rubber boots, insect repellent.
  • 定員 Limit of participants.
     20人をめどとします。We will only have up to 20 participants a day.
  • 参加にあたって For the participation
     無農薬田んぼ応援のためのNPO法人エコプラスへの寄付(1人、1口3,000円以上)をお願いします。保険には入りませんので、ケガの場合はご自身の保険でお願いします。No fee for the program. We ask your contribution more than 3,000 Yens per person to support ECOPLUS for the support of organic rice farming.













Reserve the “Sun-Dried Organic Rice,” Now


No chemical materials, like pesticides and weed killers, were used. Fertilizer is 100% organic. Traditional sun drying process on the rack was taken. Because of so many hand works, such totally organic rice is almost vanished even in this Minamiuonuma, the heart land of famous “Koshihikari Rice.”

Polished 1,300 yen/kg and unpolished 1,200 yen/kg plus shipping. Rice grown with 80% less chemical is also available; polished 800 yen/kg, unpolished 700 yen/kg. Contact tappo@ecoplus or use the form below.






Weeding Workshop on June 12,13, 19, 20, 26 and 27

People from Minamiuonuma, or others finished self isolation for 2 weeks or PCR test negative, only


  • 200627草取り全景
  • 直線方向はきれいだが、横方法に雑草が残る


On June 12, 13, 19, 20, 26 and 27, ECOPLUS will conduct “Weeding Workshop” in Tochikubo village, Minamiuonuma as one-day program, only with those living in nearby cities or those who finished two weeks self quarantine or PCR negative persons. Come to the rice paddy with your lunch, drinks and snacks.

  • 趣旨
  • Summary
    Experience traditional weeding works in organic rice paddy overseeing gorgeous mountainous view. Have your shrunk body and mind by Covid-19 relieved in the safe open air field. You may also deepen the insight of food and farming through the workshop.
  • 集合時刻
  • Schedule
    Gathering; 09:00 am, if you come later just inform us. Closed around 03:00 pm.
  • 内容と持ち物
  • Contents and bringing
    Weeding by hands. Will be cancelled in stormy condition. Take your own lunch, drinks and snacks. Clothings might be get muddy. Insect repellent, hat/cap. We recommend to come into the paddy with bare feet to feel the soil directly. Beach sandals are also easy to wash your feet in a stream.
  • 定員 Limit of participants.
     20人をめどとします。We will only have up to 20 participants a day.
  • 参加にあたって For the participation
     無農薬田んぼ応援のためのNPO法人エコプラスへの寄付(1人、1口3,000円以上)をお願いします。保険には入りませんので、ケガの場合はご自身の保険でお願いします。No fee for the program. We ask your contribution more than 3,000 Yens per person to support ECOPLUS for the support of organic rice farming.


  • 晴れればこんな絶景が














Rice Planting Workshop on May 22/23

People from Minamiuonuma, or others finished self isolation for 2 weeks or PCR test negative, only



On May 22 and 23, ECOPLUS will conduct “Rice Planting Workshop” in Tochikubo village, Minamiuonuma as one-day program, only with those living in nearby cities or those who finished two weeks self quarantine or PCR negative persons. Come to the rice paddy with your lunch, drinks and snacks.

  • 趣旨
  • Summary
    Experience Japanese traditional rice planting works by hands in organic rice paddy overseeing gorgeous mountainous view. Have your shrunk body and mind by Covid-19 relieved in the safe open air field. You may also deepen the insight of food and farming through the workshop.
  • 集合時刻
  • Schedule
    Gathering; 09:00 am on May 22, if you come later just inform us. Closed around 03:00 pm. On 23, the schedule may ba changed based on the progress of works on 22.
  • 内容と持ち物
  • Contents and bringing
    Planting seedlings by hands. Will be cancelled in stormy condition. Take your own lunch, drinks and snacks. Clothings might be get muddy. Insect repellent, hat/cap. We recommend to come into the paddy with bare feet to feel the soil directly. Beach sandals are also easy to wash your feet in a stream.
  • 定員 Limit of participants.
     20人をめどとします。We will only have up to 20 participants a day.
  • 参加にあたって For the participation
     無農薬田んぼ応援のためのNPO法人エコプラスへの寄付(1人、1口3,000円以上)をお願いします。保険には入りませんので、ケガの場合はご自身の保険でお願いします。No fee for the program. We ask your contribution more than 3,000 Yens per person to support ECOPLUS for the support of organic rice farming.


Sold out; “Sun-Dried Organic Rice,” Available



Limited amount of sun-dried organic rice grown in our rice paddy and in next one is available.

No chemical materials, like pesticides and weed killer, were used. Fertilizer is 100% organic. Traditional sun drying process on the rack was taken. Because of so many hand works such totally organic rice is almost vanished even in this Minamiuonuma, the heart land of famous “Koshihikari Rice.”

Polished 1,300 yen/kg and unpolished 1,200 yen/kg plus shipping. Rice grown with 80% less chemical is also available; polished 800 yen/kg, unpolished 700 yen/kg. Contact tappo@ecoplus or use the form below.







Harvesting Workshop in Organic Rice Paddy under the Rain


On September 27 and 28 in 2020, ECOPLUS organized a workshop on harvesting organic rice as a part of “ABC in a rice paddy” in Tochitsubo village, Minamiuonuma , Nigata. Due to the situation of COVID-19, we conducted it as a voluntary participating event without overnight stay unlike the usual workshops. Through 2 days, 24 people participated in this event on the non-chemical rice paddy.

雨の中、刈った稲の束ね方を教わる。Learn how to tie the harvested sheaf of rice in the rain.

 天候はあいにくの雨模様。参加者は雨合羽を着て長靴を履いての作業となりました。地元の笛木晶(ふえき あきら)さんの指導で、カマの使い方と刈り取った稲をワラで束ねる方法を教わりました。特に束ねる技が名人芸。まるで手品のようでした。

Under the very wet weather condition, participants needed to wear rain gears and boots. From Mr. FUEKI Akira who has been taking care of the rice paddies, we learned how to use sickles to harvest rice and the way to tie harvested rice with rice straw. His tying skill was eye-opening and it was just like magic.


We started harvesting….however, it did not go so easily! It was actually difficult to cut all the stems of rice with sickles clearly. Tying the harvested one with rice straw was another problem because it easily becomes loose if you don’t tie it correctly. In addition to this hard situation, the paddy field, which became bottomless swamp due to the rain,  caught our legs even up to our knees and didn’t let it go. What you will see if you fall on the ground is your entire body covered with dirt. I assume this was the biggest point that made us suffer the most this time.


However, in less than 2 hours, we gradually started to get the hang of it.  Some people were just concentrating on their work. Some people were working while having conversations with others.


As the time went, a sense of solidarity was created among the participants somehow; automatically we set the bluesheets near each of us as a halfway point to collect the harvest sheaf of rice so that we could minimize the walking distance on the muddy ground. Being in the line and doing a relay the sheaf of rice was also helpful in putting them on the rack to dry them easily. The sheaves of rice that were tied tightly didn’t get loosened even if it was treated roughly a little bit.


The creatures living in the paddy were an oasis for us having hard time due to working in a muddy and wet condition.  “Schlegel’s Green Tree Frog” was an especially popular star among us. Even the girls who do not touch the insects usually were rubbing the frog who have such an adorable look of typical frog.

稲の間から登場してきたシュレーゲルアオガエル。目の上下が金色に輝き、体は鮮やかな黄緑。“Schlegel’s Green Tree Frog” who popped up from the middle of the sheaf of rice. The upper and down part of her eyes were shining gold and the body had a vivid yellow green colour.


We could only see these creatures because it was on the paddy field without any pesticide and working with our own hands but not by the machine.

 2日目のお昼には約1,400㎡の田んぼがきれい刈られて、全て稲架(はさ)に干すことができました。この風景だけでホカホカの新米が目に浮かぶような愛おしさを感じます。来年は、田植えから参加することを決意した人もいました。顔を伝う水は、雨水か汗かそれとも感動の涙?さわやかな達成感を得られた2日間でした。もちろん、翌日は筋肉痛に悩まされましたが・・・。(報告 福井智之)

By the lunch time of the second day, the paddy field which has the size of 1,400㎡ was cleared completely and the rice were all hanged on the drying rack. That scenery was just so lovely to see and I could not help to have an image of newly harvested rice in my mind. Some of the participants made their minds saying “I want to experience planting rice next year but not only harvesting” I wonder what  the liquid going down on the face was. Was it the rain water, sweat, or the tears? A sense of accomplishment was filling our mind at the end. Of course, muscle pain didn’t forget to suffer us the next morning though….! (reported by FUKUI Tomoyuki, translated by HASUMI Chigira)











Weeding Workshop in an Organic Rice Paddy


ECOPLUS conducted workshops on weeding in our non-chemical rice paddy in the weekend of June 20 and 27-28 in Tochikubo village at Minamiuonuma, Niigata, Japan. In order to avoid the risks on COVID-19, the workshop, used to be conducted for two days staying in an inn in the village, was changed into one-day program. For the there days, in total 16 persons were gathered and enjoyed the work surrounded by the calls of Ruddy Kingfisher and Gray-faced buzzard.


In those rice paddies, farmers have not been using chemicals for over 15 years. So weeds are also very healthy. Specially “Inu-Bie” or Japanese millet, is so similar to rice that it was so difficult to identify which is which in the field.


Mr. FUEKI Akira, the chief of Tochikubo Panorama Farm taught us that rice has small fluffs surrounding the base of each leaf. So, we were concentrating our eyes very close to those plants before each weeding actions.

Using “Taguruma,” a special tool, weeds along the long side can be pulled out.


Some days before our works, farmers used special tool called “Taguruma,” which has metal rotating claws. So, weeds along the one side were already taken or less but another side was very congested with weeds.

直線方向はきれいだが、横方法に雑草が残る。Weeds between rice seedlings are still remained.


Weeds are grown as same as rice, we need to use all fingers pushed deep into the mud then pull out the weeds with roots. Keeping the bottom very low in the paddy during the work for more than one hour was quite tough for all of us.


Many of participants from Tokyo area repeated that “I never imagined it needs such hard work to grow rice organiclally.” Some university students, once said “I was doing football fo long years so I am confident on my physical strangeness,” complained of back pain.

羽化した直後の透明なアキアカネ。A dragonfly, just emerged.


While weeding, we identified so many dragonflies were emerging on the leaves of young rice. Some are totally transparent like a glassworks. All of us recognized the richness of the nature in the organic environment.