

Rice Planting Workshop on Sep 23/24

Self regulation and PCR test negative, required


  • ハザかけのイロハ田んぼ


On September 23 and 24, ECOPLUS will conduct “Rice Harvesting Workshop” in Tochikubo village, Minamiuonuma as two-day program, only with those who are PCR test negatives.


Experience Japanese traditional rice harvesting by hands in organic rice paddy overseeing gorgeous mountainous view. Set your body and mind free in the safe open air. You may also deepen the insight of rice and agriculture through the workshop, as well as Japanese history and society.

 9月23 日午前11時。宿泊場所のホテルシャトーテル塩沢(新潟県南魚沼市塩沢2071)にお集まり下さい。鉄道で来られる方は、上越線塩沢駅までお越し下さい。迎えを検討します。

Gathering; 11:00 am on September 23, at our accommodations, “Chateau Shiozawa.” The nearest railway station is Shiozawa on JR Joetsu line. Let us know if you use rain, so that we will arrange transportation to the hotel.

活動場所 Location of the rice paddies.
 南魚沼市栃窪地区 イロハ田んぼ=At this rice paddy.

  Joetsu Shinkansen Toki 309
 Departing Tokyo at 08:52, arriving Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:21
  Joetsu local line
 Departing Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:30, arriving Shiozawa at 10:47


Contents and bringing
Harvasting rice by sickles by hands. Will be cancelled only in stormy condition. Bring your own lunch for day one. Clothings may get muddy. Insect repellent, a hat/cap. The boots are needed since it is very muddy. The participation guide will be provided for those whose participation is confirmed.

定員 Limit of participants.
 20人をめどとします。Up to 20 participants.

参加費 Fee
  18,500 JPY including program fee, accommodations with two meals, lunch on Sunday, insurance. Shared room. Single room available with extra 1,000 JPY. 13,500 JPY for students from Junior high to college, 9,500 JPY for primary school students.

申し込み Application
 下のフォームからお申し込み下さい。Please use below application form. 問い合わせは、tappo@ecoplus.jpまで。If needed contact to tappo@ecoplus.jp


Now Accept the order of “Sun-Dried Organic Rice,” 2022


We are starting to accept orders of sun-dried organic ice grown in our non-chemical rice paddies in Tochikubo village in Niigata. The rice which will be harvested and dried under the sun, will be delivered in November.



From the planting of seedlings to weeding and harvesting, ECOPLUS has been organizing workshops. Very limited amount of this precious rice will be available for sale.



No chemical materials, like pesticides and weed killers, were used. Fertilizer is 100% organic. Traditional sun drying process on the rack was taken. Because of so many hand works, such totally organic rice is almost vanished even in this Minamiuonuma, the heart land of famous “Koshihikari Rice.”

Polished 1,300 yen/kg and unpolished 1,200 yen/kg plus shipping. Rice grown with 80% less chemical is also available; polished 800 yen/kg, unpolished 700 yen/kg. Contact tappo@ecoplus or use the form below.







Understood the detailed process of rice growing through 2-day workshop, the first time since the beginning of the pandemic.


ECOPLUS conducted the rice planting workshop on the weekend of May 21-22 in Tochikubo village in Minami-Uonuma, Niigata. The workshop had been shrunk as one day trip because of the COVID-19 and this was the first time to organize as the full-program since 2019. For the rice planting workshop, from elementary school kids to retired person, in total of around 30 were joined.


On Saturday, we gathered at the “Chateau Hotel Ipponsugi“ near the village. We moved up to the top of the mountain ridge by cars and observed the view of the Uonuma basin which is the home of the famous “Koshihikari” rice. The mountain area was once a bottom of ancient ocean. According to the locals, the minerals once accumulated in the bottom of the ocean is still seeping out, then provides rich nutrition to the rice.


Through the mountain ridge, parts of ancient path since the medieval tome were remained. We strolled along the small part of the path which was still covered by snow. Edible mountain vegetables were also identified in the forest near the path.



In the Tochikubo village, Mr. FUEKI Akira gave us a lecture on rice growing focusing on rice planting period. Many works needed before the rice planting, like spreading organic fertilizer, tilling, fine tilling with water, selection of well grown seeds with salt water, making seed bed, and others. Participants were impressed by so many steps with well experienced skills and knowledges were hidden in daily life in rice farming.


At the dinner, local edible vegetable were offered in different dishes. Surprisingly, the long dinner table which was decorated with local vines with purple flower and arrangements of edible vegetables provided the atmosphere close to the nature. The dinner was followed b the slide show of different seasons of the area.


On Sunday, it was still raining in the breakfast time but when we arrived to the rice paddy, rain was almost stoped. At the begging, we used an hexagon wood frame with 3 miters wide to mark on the soil to identify where the seedlings should be sit. First, OHMAE of ECOPLUS made one round trip, then other participant followed. It was not easy to go straight. Elementary school kids and high school student also tried to roll the frame with the supporting calls.

Surrounded by the beautiful nature, we enjoyed traditional planting works in this non-chemical rice paddy.


Rice paddy was not so cold and we could feel the softness of the soil. In fact, bear feet would be the best to experience the rice planting. Big rubber boots would make big foot prints which might lay down planted seedlings. With bear feet, we could feel the difference of depth of the mud and difference of the quality of the soil.


Time by time, we had blue sky with beautiful sunshine. Participants accustomed to plant seedlings gradually then, all the rice paddy were filled with young seedling in order by the noon. The lunch was prepared by a local inn; rice balls, cooked mountain vegetables and miso-soup with different mountain vegetables.



Coming back the hotel, we had the reflection session. As a full program for two days, we had lecture and other activities in advance of the actual works in the rice paddy. Many participants said, with the enough background understandings, actual rice planting work was more meaningful experience. ECOPLUS also confirmed that the full program could offer deeper learning on rice, history, tradition. and sustainability.

Next workshop is scheduled on the weekend of June 11-12 with the theme of “weeding.”


Weeding Workshop on June 11/12

Self regulation and PCR test negative, required



On June 11 and 12, ECOPLUS will conduct “Weeding Workshop” in Tochikubo village, Minamiuonuma as two-day program, only with those who are PCR negatives.


In the south-east facing terraced rice paddies, we will clear weeds in the 100% chemical free rice paddy by hands. Weedkiller and other chemical materials have only 60-year-history. Until then people had been growing rice organically for thousands years. Through the weeding works by hands, we will learn about the relation between the nature, human and agriculture.

 6 月11 日午前11時。宿泊場所の民宿「山田館」(新潟県南魚沼市樺野沢14)にお集まり下さい。鉄道で来られる方は、上越線上越国際スキー場前駅までお越し下さい。

Gathering; 11:00 am on June 11, at our accommodations, “山田館YAMADA-KAN” The nearest railway station is Joetsukokusai Ski-jo mae on JR Joetsu line. Let us know if you use public transportation.

活動場所 Location of the rice paddies.
 南魚沼市栃窪地区 イロハ田んぼ=At this rice paddy.

  Joetsu Shinkansen Toki 309
 Departing Tokyo at 08:52, arriving Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:21
  Joetsu local line
 Departing Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:30, arriving Joetukokusai Ski-jo mae at 10:45


Contents and bringing
Strolling the area, lecture on rice growing, interaction session and weeding by hands. Will be cancelled only in stormy condition. Bring your own lunch for Saturday, and water during activities. Clothings may get muddy. Insect repellent, a hat/cap. We recommend to come into the paddy with bare feet to feel the soil directly. Beach sandals are useful to wash your feet in a stream. More information will be provided for those whose participation is confirmed.

定員 Limit of participants.
 20人をめどとします。Up to 20 participants.

参加費 Fee (*宿泊先変更により、変更。参加決定者にお知らせします)
  18,500 JPY including program fee, accommodations with two meals, lunch on Sunday, insurance. Shared room. Single room available with extra 1,000 JPY. 13,500 JPY for students from Junior high to college, 9,500 JPY for primary school students.

申し込み Application
 下のフォームからお申し込み下さい。Please use below application form. 問い合わせは、tappo@ecoplus.jpまで。If needed contact to tappo@ecoplus.jp















Rice Planting Workshop on May 21/22

Self regulation and PCR test negative, required



On May 21 and 22, ECOPLUS will conduct “Rice Planting Workshop” in Tochikubo village, Minamiuonuma as two-day program, only with those who are PCR negatives.


Experience Japanese traditional rice planting by hands in organic rice paddy overseeing gorgeous mountainous view. Release your body and mind restricted by Covid-19 in the safe open air. You may also deepen the insight of rice and agriculture through the workshop, as well as Japanese history and society.

 5月21 日午前11時。宿泊場所のホテルシャトーテル塩沢(新潟県南魚沼市塩沢2071)にお集まり下さい。鉄道で来られる方は、上越線塩沢駅までお越し下さい。迎えを検討します。

Gathering; 11:00 am on May 21, at our accommodations, “Chateau Shiozawa.” The nearest railway station is Shiozawa on JR Joetsu line. Let us know if you use public transportation.

活動場所 Location of the rice paddies.
 南魚沼市栃窪地区 イロハ田んぼ=At this rice paddy.

  Joetsu Shinkansen Toki 309
 Departing Tokyo at 08:52, arriving Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:21
  Joetsu local line
 Departing Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:30, arriving Shiozawa at 10:47


Contents and bringing
Planting seedlings by hands. Will be cancelled only in stormy condition. Bring your own lunch for Saturday, and water during activities. Clothings may get muddy. Insect repellent, a hat/cap. We recommend to come into the paddy with bare feet to feel the soil directly. Beach sandals are useful to wash your feet in a stream. More information will be provided for those whose participation is confirmed.

定員 Limit of participants.
 20人をめどとします。Up to 20 participants.

参加費 Fee
  18,500 JPY including program fee, accommodations with two meals, lunch on Sunday, insurance. Shared room. Single room available with extra 1,000 JPY. 13,500 JPY for students from Junior high to college, 9,500 JPY for primary school students.

申し込み Application
 下のフォームからお申し込み下さい。Please use below application form. 問い合わせは、tappo@ecoplus.jpまで。If needed contact to tappo@ecoplus.jp







 いずれも、新型コロナの状況を見て、現状では日帰りで実施。 事前の自主隔離、PCR検査などをお願いする予定です。








Special Sale; “Sun-Dried Organic Rice” — Sold Out, Thank you!

  • 211010稲上げオーナー田んぼ
  • 211010イロハ米モミ
  • 211020パノラマ無農薬玄米


We are happy to announce the special sale of the sun-dried organic rice grown in our rice paddy in Tochikubo village, Minamiuonuma. We conduct this sale in order to accept responses for the “Online Tour” on January 30. Only limited amount of the rice we have, so in one order, up to 5 kgs is available. The order from is on the bottom of this page.


No chemical materials, like pesticides and weed killers, were used. Fertilizer is 100% organic. Traditional sun drying process on the rack was taken. Because of so many hand works, such totally organic rice is almost vanished even in this Minamiuonuma, the heart land of famous “Koshihikari Rice.”


From the planting of seedlings to weeding and harvesting, ECOPLUS has been organizing workshops since 2007. In 2022 season, we will conduct the program carefully seeing the situation of COVID-19.


Harvesting Workshop in Organic Rice Paddy


On September 25 and 26 of 2021, ECOPLUS conducted harvesting workshop in an organic rice paddy in Tochikubo Village in Minamiuonuma, the heartland of the famous “Koshihikari-Rice,” in Niigata.


Considering the situation of COVID-19, we organized the program as a day program asking participants come to and leave from the paddy directly. All 23 participants were fully vaccinated.


On Saturday, we had gorgeous view of golden rice paddy under the blue sky. In order to protect skin, we needed to wear long sleeves. The sunshine was so strong. All of us sweated from the beginning. Mr.FUEKI Akira, a local farmer, taught us the important and difficult skill, to bundle the sheaf, called “Meruke,” in this area.

「まるける」講習会。The difficult skill, “Maruke.”


More than half of participants were totally novice at using a sickle. At the beginning they were struggling to cut the stems clearly and to make “Maruke” in muddy rice paddy.


However in one hour or so, people acquired the ways. Some were just keep cutting and bundling works and some were doing the work taking neighboring persons joyfully. Fresh green colored frogs were jumping out from the ground. Red dragonflies were coming close to us. From a tiny structure to introduce water to the paddy, small fishes were caught and a local biologist explained those as one of endangered species in Japan, called “Shiny-Motsugo.”

絶滅危惧ⅠAのシナイモツゴ。Red databook listed “Shinai-Motsugo”


On Sunday, weather condition totally changed. We started the work one hour earlier. It was cool and comfortable at the beginning. The work went smoother than the day before. Close to the noon, the rain started. The temperature went down, too. At the end, all of us worked hard to finish. Surprisingly we finished all works from cutting, budding and hanging by shortly after 1 pm.


“I somehow felt appreciation when I thought each of those grains was a ‘seed’ when I faced to those rice. The shining golden rice field might not be illusion. Rice was shining because they were celebrating the final phase to pass the life to the next generation;” a young participant commented.


The organic rice will be dried for 10 days to 2 weeks. Then husks will be removed and will be ready to eat. Only limited amount are available for interested persons.


Now Accept the “Sun-Dried Organic Rice”


We are happy to announce that the sun-dried organic rice grown in our rice paddy in Tochikubo village, Minamiuonuma, will be harvested shortly with quite high quality shortly. The rice will be dried under the sun a while then in mid-October it will be ready to taste.



From the planting of seedlings to weeding and harvesting, ECOPLUS has been organizing workshops although in this tough time caused by COVID-19. Very limited amount of this precious rice will be available for sale.



No chemical materials, like pesticides and weed killers, were used. Fertilizer is 100% organic. Traditional sun drying process on the rack was taken. Because of so many hand works, such totally organic rice is almost vanished even in this Minamiuonuma, the heart land of famous “Koshihikari Rice.”

Polished 1,300 yen/kg and unpolished 1,200 yen/kg plus shipping. Rice grown with 80% less chemical is also available; polished 800 yen/kg, unpolished 700 yen/kg. Contact tappo@ecoplus or use the form below.




