
 エコプラスは、カナダで、校舎のない公立の学校を運営するSean Blenkinsopさんを招いてのシンポジウムを3月9日に東京で、3月10日に新潟県南魚沼市で開催します。世界的に注目されている新しい教育の姿を実践するBlenkinsopさんが国際会議で来日にあわせての企画です。革新的な教育の実践者であり研究者である、Blenkinsopさんによる貴重な機会です。



  • 日時 3月9日午前10時から午後零時半まで
  • 場所 早稲田大学戸山キャンパス 32号館 321-1教室
  • 内容 Sean Blenkinsopさんの講演と対話
  • 参加 無料
  • 言語 英語(逐次通訳が入ります)
  • 定員 50人


  • 日時 3月10日午前9時半から午後零時半まで
  • 場所 新潟県南魚沼地域振興局 講堂・第一会議室
  • 内容 Sean Blenkinsopさんと、同僚のLinda Wilhelmssonさんによる、ワークショップ。室外での活動にしたいと話しておられます。
  • 言語 英語(逐次通訳が入ります)
  • 共催 南魚沼野外・環境教育研究会
  • 定員 30人

 Sean Blenkinsopさんは、カナダのサイモン・フレイザー大学の教授。2008年に、The Maple Ridge Environmental School(メイプルリッジ環境学校)を開校。校舎を持たず、野外で、また地域の図書館などで、幼稚園から7年生(日本の中学1年生)までの教育を展開。


 今回、日本で開催される国際野外教育研究大会(10th International Outdoor Education Research Conference, IOERC 10)に来日されるのにあわせ、滞在を延長していただき、このシンポジウムとワークショップを開催します。

Sean Blenkinsopさん

 4月に発刊されるEcologizing Educationでは、この新しい取り組みの内容が一般向けに紹介される予定。

Linda Wilhelmssonさん

 Wild Pedagogies(自然に近い教育手法)のもとで、現代社会の課題がどのように理解され、対応していくことが出来るかを研究している。地域に根ざした持続可能な開発のための教育に関する研究のために、3つの学校と共同でのプロジェクトを進めている。


 Blenkinsopさんがプロジェクトを始めたThe Maple Ridge Environmental School(メイプルリッジ環境学校)に関しては、多くの資料が、ネットで公開されています。


 Blenkinsopさんが所属するサイモン・フレイザー大学の「Centre for Imagination in Research, Culture and Education」が公開している、エコスクールに関する説明です。

To be clear, we are not thinking of projects in school-wide recycling, or a lunchtime scraps composting program, or even a schoolyard garden. These are all great initiatives to bring a bit more eco-consciousness to schools, but we have in mind a much more far-reaching transformation of education. 




 能登半島地震により被災された方々に、 心よりよりお見舞い申し上げます。









 代表理事 髙野孝子


Order special rice, grown with minimum chemicals in Tochikubo Village


The organic rice farming program in Tochikubo Village, which we have been organizing since 2007, can no longer continue. This is because the community farming organization has ceased operations due to the aging of the farmers.


Meanwhile, in Tochikubo, HIGUMA Keiichi, a farmer in his thirties, has started to work as a full-time farmer. With the support of his senior farmers, he has successfully managed the daily tasks of plowing with a tractor, daily water management, mowing of the edges, and processing the harvested rice, and has produced excellent rice.


Last year, we had a harsh climate with no rain from late July to the end of August. Only less than 5% of the Koshihikari rice in Niigata was first class, but Higuma’s rice was all first class.

ECOPLUS is helping to promote and sell this rice.


The rice is “reduced pesticide rice,” which means that herbicides and other pesticides are not used. The price is 700 yen per kilo for brown rice, 800 yen per kilo for white rice, and shipping costs are not included. 


Enjoyed collaborative work in rice paddies

二枚目の田んぼの稲刈りの様子 A lapse shot of harvesting work in the 2nd rice paddy


ECOPLUS conducted the weekend farming workshop, “ABC in a rice paddy,” harvesting work, on 23-24 September 2023. Under the very unusual hot weather conditions, we learned about nature and agriculture in Shiozawa area, which is the heartland of famous Koshihikari rice, and enjoyed harvesting work by hand in non-chemical rice paddies.


On Saturday, the 23rd, the weather was a bit wet. We went to the top of the hill called “Kwanon-sama” at an altitude of 700 meters to observe the Uonuma Basin. Rice fields with yellow (not yet harvested), brown (just harvested) and green (more than weeks after harvest with weeds) made a beautiful patchwork. The soil of the hill is raised seabed that provides minerals to the snow melted water in the spring. These minerals give the best flavor to the rice grown here.


On Sunday the 24th we started harvesting under a beautiful blue sky. Among the 22 participants, only some had the experience of harvesting with sickles. They cut the bottom part of the rice stalks with sickles, then laid on the edge, crossed the bottom part in X-shape, then bundled two into one with dried straws. This was the most difficult part. Making the X shape makes it easier to hang the sheaf on the pole. One commented, “I understood that not only cutting, but also bundling and hanging must be done in one line.

あぜにシートを広げて「青空食堂」。Lunch on the edge.


By 1 pm, which took 4 hours from the beginning, the harvesting works of two rice paddies were completed. We set lunch place on the edge. Taking rice balls of newly harvested rice by the inn, all of us enjoyed talking about the value of rice and the beautiful environment in this area.

シリーズ ヤップでまかれた種たち

















Rice Harvesting Workshop on Sept. 23-24


ECOPLUS will conduct rice harvesting workshop on 23-24 September 2023 in Kabanosa Village, Minamiuonuma, Niigata.We have been monitoring the growing process since the planting time. With this long hot and dry summer, ears are successfully coming out now. In this situation, in those weekend, the rice will be ready to be harvested.

Weeding Workshop

 9月23 日午前10時45分。JR上越線上越国際スキー場駅前広場


Gathering Time and Place
10:45 am on Sept. 23, at Joetsu Kokusai Skiing Ground Station, JR Joetsu line.

 Local Inn, “Minshuku YAMADA-Kan.”


Suggested train schedule from Tokyo
  Joetsu Shinkansen Toki 309
 Departing Tokyo at 08:52, arriving Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:20
  Joetsu local line
 Departing Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:30, arriving Joetsu Kokusai Skiing Ground at 10:44


Contents and bringing
Weeding works by hands. Will be cancelled only in stormy condition. Bring your own lunch for Saturday, and water during activities. Clothings may get muddy. Insect repellent, a hat/cap. More information will be provided for those whose participation is confirmed.

定員 Limit of participants.
 15人程度。Up to around 15 participants.

参加費 Fee
 17,000 JPY including program fee, accommodations with two meals, lunch on Sunday, insurance. Shared room. Students and other youth, 14,000 JPY.

申し込み Application
 下のフォームからお申し込み下さい。Please use below application form. 問い合わせは、tappo@ecoplus.jpまで。If needed contact to tappo@ecoplus.jp

参加日 Participation type(必須)



Weeding and Planting Workshop surrounded by beautiful tweets


ECOPLUS conducted rice weeding and planting workshop on 10-11 June 2023 in Kabanoswa Village, Minamiuonuma, Niigata. Participants were so active that in addition to the weeding works, they also planted seedlings in another organic rice paddy. From the forest, tweets of a ruddy kingfisher were identified and in the evening, we observed several fireflies. Gorgeous weekend in the pristine environment!


On Saturday, we started the workshop with four participants at the beginning. Walking around the village and hiking up to the old fort of “Kabasawa-Zyo” which has the more than 450-year-history to understand the background of the area.

Weeding in the rice paddy 田んぼの草取り


In the weeding workshop, participants put their bear feet carefully into the rice paddy. Thanks to the sun shine, the water was warmed up as if it would be a warm bath tub water and mud was very smooth. Seedlings were grown to about 20 cm tall and those were surrounded by tiny green leaves of weeds underwater. With five fingers strongly open, we were rubbing the mud to remove the roots of weeds out of mud. Some of weeds were trapped in the hand and we through away those outside of the paddy.



On day 2, with five more persons, we tried to plant seedlings in a rice paddy which had not been used for over 10 years. With the help of a tractor, the paddy was reshaped as a rice paddy, however the too much plants grown in the area were buried in the ground and those biodegrading process generated much of gas which is harmful for rice seedlings. After several tilling and drying processes, the condition looked like suitable for planting.



Making marks by a hexagon frames is the traditional way of rice planting in “Minami-Uonuma” area. It was not easy to roll the frame straight for participants. Some of young participants experienced the action. Others followed the frame to plant seedlings by their hands. At the end of the session, we identified three Japanese fire belly newt which is classified as the near threatened(NT) category in Red Data book of Japan.

Japanese fire berry newt. 田んぼに出てきたアカハライモリ3匹



Thought the weekend, we felt the richness of the nature surround the organic non-chemical rice paddies with tweets of ruddy kingfishes, dancing fireflies and others. Participants confirmed that the history of the village for over 500 years was fostered by the nature of the area and knowledge of ancestors who had been using the environment wisely.


Rice Planting Workshop in Gorgeous View in a Village of 500-year History


ECOPLUS conducted rice planting workshop on 27-28 May 2023 in Kabanoswa Village, Minamiuonuma, Niigata. In past 16 years, we organized the program in nearby village, Tochikubo. Due to the aging issue of the village, the venue was moved to Kabanosawa from this season.


On Saturday, seven participants including students, office worker and retired person with local supporters, started to take out seedlings from seed beds in the rice paddy.

苗取り Taking seedlings from the seed bed


In the seedbed, seedlings were grown to around 10 cm high densely. Since late April when seeds were spread, temperature went down below 10 C some time. So the hight of the seedlings were bit low but stems were strong. In order to minimize damages of roots, not just pulling out, it needed to push fingers deeper in the mud, then to bring out seedling with mud. After washing mud with water, we made bunched of seedlings. Inside of young leaves, we identified several tiny golden dragonflies, a endangered species, “Mortonagrion selenion.”

モートンイトトンボ Mortonagrion selenion


The rice paddy, we will conduct the program, was where TAKANO Takako and OHMAE Junichi has been learning the traditional rice growing by elders living nearby since 2007. Since no chemical materials has been used for nearly 20 years, many creatures such as pond snails, dragonflies, newts, loaches and others including listed species.

枠転がし To put marks where seedlings should be sit, we used this hexagonal wooden frame.


On Sunday, we had an early morning bird watching session with a local specialist. We spotted gray herons, grey-faced buzzards and others. The walk to the top of the old fort, “Kabasawa-Zyo,” which once was serious battle field of Uesugi-clan and Hozyo-clan more than 400 years ago, gave us the sense of accumulation of peoples live in the area.

Weeding Workshop

 6月10 日午前10時45分。JR上越線上越国際スキー場駅前広場


Gathering Time and Place
10:45 am on June 10, at Joetsu Kokusai Skiing Ground Station, JR Joetsu line.

 Local Inn, “Minshuku YAMADA-Kan.”


Suggested train schedule from Tokyo
  Joetsu Shinkansen Toki 309
 Departing Tokyo at 08:52, arriving Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:20
  Joetsu local line
 Departing Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:30, arriving Joetsu Kokusai Skiing Ground at 10:44


Contents and bringing
Weeding works by hands. Will be cancelled only in stormy condition. Bring your own lunch for Saturday, and water during activities. Clothings may get muddy. Insect repellent, a hat/cap. We recommend to come into the paddy with bare feet to feel the soil directly. Beach sandals are useful to wash your feet in a stream. More information will be provided for those whose participation is confirmed.

定員 Limit of participants.
 15人程度。Up to around 15 participants.

参加費 Fee
 16,000 JPY including program fee, accommodations with two meals, lunch on Sunday, insurance. Shared room. Students and other youth with sleeping bags can stay in a house next to the paddy with 9,000 JPY.

申し込み Application
 下のフォームからお申し込み下さい。Please use below application form. 問い合わせは、tappo@ecoplus.jpまで。If needed contact to tappo@ecoplus.jp

参加日 Participation type(必須)



Weekend Farming Workshop,
“ABC” in a Rice Paddy, 2023



ECOPLUS will organize the workshop, “ABC” in a Rice Paddy, in 2023. Although the climate is a bit curious., such as the snow melted 2-3 weeks earlier than normal years, we will conduct the programs as follows.

 Rice planting; May 27-28
 Weeding in the paddy; June 10-11 and other dates
 Harvesting; September 23-24 (tentative)


ECOPLUS had been organizing this special workshops in Tochikubo Village since 2007. Sadly, the aging issue caused villagers could not keep the farming works by themselves and those rice paddies in under the management of outside organization. So, we moved the place to Kabanosawa Village for the workshop this year 2023.

映画「地球交響曲第七番」の撮影にもこの田んぼで行われました。A movie, “Gaia Symphony No. 7” was shot in this paddy.


The rice paddy, we will conduct the program, was where TAKANO Takako and OHMAE Junichi has been learning the traditional rice growing by elders living nearby since 2007. Since no chemical materials has been used for nearly 20 years, many creatures such as pond snails, dragonflies, newts, loaches and others including listed species.

Rice Planting Workshop

 5月27 日午前10時45分。JR上越線上越国際スキー場駅前広場


Gathering Time and Place
10:45 am on May 27, at Joetsu Kokusai Skiing Ground Station, JR Joetsu line.

 Local Inn, “Minshuku YAMADA-Kan.”


Suggested train schedule from Tokyo
  Joetsu Shinkansen Toki 309
 Departing Tokyo at 08:52, arriving Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:20
  Joetsu local line
 Departing Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:30, arriving Joetsu Kokusai Skiing Ground at 10:44


Contents and bringing
Planting seedlings by hands. Will be cancelled only in stormy condition. Bring your own lunch for Saturday, and water during activities. Clothings may get muddy. Insect repellent, a hat/cap. We recommend to come into the paddy with bare feet to feel the soil directly. Beach sandals are useful to wash your feet in a stream. More information will be provided for those whose participation is confirmed.

定員 Limit of participants.
 15人程度。Up to around 15 participants.

参加費 Fee
 16,000 JPY including program fee, accommodations with two meals, lunch on Sunday, insurance. Shared room. Students and other youth with sleeping bags can stay in a house next to the paddy with 9,000 JPY.

申し込み Application
 下のフォームからお申し込み下さい。Please use below application form. 問い合わせは、tappo@ecoplus.jpまで。If needed contact to tappo@ecoplus.jp



Enjoyed and learned simple life on the snow


Ecoplus conducted “the camp in the deep snow” from Mar 21 to 24, 2023, in Shimizu village, in Niigata, Japan. Unfortunately we could not set the period including weekend, we had only four university students but they acquired a lot of knowledges and skills from the local people and enjoyed self build simple life on the snow for four days.


Although we had less snow than normal years In this winter, we had more than 1 meter of snow in Shimizu area. The weather conditions was dry and warm in early days, but later part we had not snow but rain.


In this camp, we slept in tents on the snow. We cooked on the snow making fire on the snow. We kept melting snow in a big pot on fire for drinking and cooking water. Students learnt how to use shovels for cutting snow to make objects such as tables and sitting place.


In the night of Mar 22, we had very clear sky without any clouds and the moon. So stars were sharp and bright filling all direction. Students laid on the snow for stargazing and they were excited to observe bright meteors.


In these convenient daily life environments, only with one action, we can get hot water, bright lights, and flash toilet instantly. Apart from such “convenient life,” we need to prepare fire wood, make fire, melt snow and play with its own creative ideas. Through such actions one by one, the faces of students changed clearly.


Local people kindly joined the program and vividly talked about the history, the nature, mountains, animals and life of the area. One of students commented that the life would be more free rather than just following a fixed path thought be “successful.“

For the sustainable and peaceful future