Departure, ヤップの若者たち、帰国の途に。

After spending 10 nights in Japan, students are now on the way back to Yap.

Students left Tokyo at 7:20 a.m. by a bus and checked in at Narita International airport around 9:00. After spending final time with Japanese volunteers, they went through security check gate. They will arrive at Yap in the very late night with long connection hours in Guam. Hope they have a safe fright back home…

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“Slowly but surely..” a song by Toriyama

At the end of the farewell party, TORIYAMA Yoshiki, a volunteer once visited Yap, sang a song written by himself. He was inspired by many words spoken by Yapese youth in the program. The phrase, “slowly but surely,” is also from a Yapese participant.

フェアウェルパーティの後、過去のプログラムでヤップ島にも滞在したことがある鳥山さんが、今回の滞在に同行しながら作成した歌を披露しました。ヤップの若者たちの言葉をちりばめた素敵な歌でした。タイトルになった「slowly but surely」も、参加者の一人の言葉だそうです。

Presentation and Farewell, March 29th 報告会とパーティ

(by Sakane Natsumi) Today we would have a presentation and a farewell party.
In the morning, students in three groups resumed their work to prepare for the presentation from 9 o’clock.
Yesterday we mainly discussed what the Yapese kids had learned through the program, and at the night, we started to think about what society they want to be in the future. Today, we worked out ideas on poster-pape. They looked very fun to write their posters.

At 11:30, we went to the Micronesian Embassy.
The building is not so big. However, all stuff members in the embassy including the ambassador welcomed us with a big heart. Although, the time was short but we really had a good time.
130329大使館s 130329桜で遊ぶs
During the going and returning, there were a lot of cherry blossoms along the streets. We walked beneath a blizzard of falling cherry blossoms. The children were so lucky that they could see both cherry blossoms and snow during the one stay in Japan. When we went back to the hotel at 2:00, some resumed their work, others enjoyed their free time and the others took a nap until 4:30. Then we moved to Tokyo Science University which was today’s venue.

The presentation session started at 6:00.
MC was Christopher. Although it was his first time to do MC but he did very well. Kammagar Christopher!
All the kids made really nice presentations and declarations. I hope this presentation will help them think more about their future and make better tomorrow.

After the session, the next was a farewell party.
Many people including the sponsors and the host families came to have a fun with us chatting, having a dinner and sharing their experiences.
After a small chat, each student expressed their experiences and their feelings. Then Ms.Inaba taught and had these kids experience the tea ceremony. After the tea ceremony, kids sang songs. The time was limited but people seemed to enjoy their time in a warm atmosphere.

The end of the party, we made a surprise for Ms.Takano. Actually, the next day was Ms.Takako’s birthday! We gave her a message card, singed wood-board and a cake.
By coincidence, the first day of this program is Mr.Ohmae’s birthday and the last day is Ms.Takano’s birthday.
Not only for Yapese kids but also for the stuff members, this program was meaningful. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Ms.Takano and Mr.Ohmae for all the work they had done.

Because of the time pressures, we took a group photo outside and finally Yoshiki sang a song with his gutter. He made the song named “slowly but surely”. The song was really nice and the audiences’ spirits pick up!

After the party, we had the last reflection meeting at the hotel.








時間がおしてしまったので、外で記念写真と鳥山さんのライブ。彼は今回、ずっとプログラム中スタッフとして同行しており、この経験で感じたことをかいた「slowly but surely」という曲を28日に作詞作曲。大いに盛り上がりました。

そんなこんなでホテルに帰ったあと、最後の簡単な振り返りミーティング。今日の報告担当 坂根菜摘

Students are busy for the presentation. 報告会の準備で大忙し。

From the morning, students are quite busy for the preparation for the presentation session in the evening. Each of 3 groups discussed until late last night and they decided what they present today. This morning they stared to make big charts and drawings with colorful designs.

130329発表準備01s  130329発表準備02s


The presentation will be started from 6:00 p.m. and if condition allows, ECOPLUS will provide live streaming from following URL.


Discussion session continues, 議論継続中

The day 9th is a discussion day. In the morning, A guest lecturer specialized in marine resource provided a case report on corals in Okinawa area heavily damaged by developments.

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Spending lunch time in parks close to the hostel, students enjoyed warm spring breeze together with cheery blossoms, students started the final discussion session; to talk about what they learned, acquired, and thought in past 8 days in Japan.

Spread into three groups, they talked enthusiastically about environment, trash, food, climate, water, life style and others. The conversation continued after dinner time till very late. Only two more nights left in Japan…..


Cultural day, March 27th, 3月27日禅寺とラーメン

(by Sakane Natsumi)
Today was the last day in Niigata.
Last night Yapese kids and young staff members had a great meeting until late at night.
However, especially group C members (we divided into three groups and made dishes or washed the dishes in turn) got up early and started to make breakfast.
After the breakfast, we cleaned all the rooms, toilets and corridors.
During the cleaning, some host families came to say good-by to their “kids”.
1130327龍澤寺でJun 130327松井食堂ラーメン
We left the accommodation at 9:30 and went to the Ryutaku temple.
The monk taught us three important things: maintaining the fine posture, catching your breath, living in peace and harmony. Then we had an experience of ” Zazen”, it is a kind of meditation. What we had to do was simple but it was difficult. To make good posture, concentrate on breathing and count the number.
For lunch, we ate chinese noodles which are called “Ramen “, then took a little walk and went to Takano-san’s parents’ home. They welcomed us kindly and served us extremely good water and snacks.
At 2:30, got into the bus and left Niigata. It took 3 and a half hours to get to Tokyo.
For dinner, we separeted into three groups, which I mentioned above, and went to restaurants (two groups went to Japanese-style food restaurants and the other went to Gyudon-shop which serves beef on rice)
Humm…..what I want to say the most is I am really tired but had a great time in Niigata!
Kids’ faces are now totally different from what those were before we went to Niigata, they looks more cheerful, relaxed, satisfied. I hope they learned something from visit in Niigata and will apply the learning to their own lives when they go back to Yap.
 まずはじめに 和尚さんから3つの大切なことを教わります。姿勢を整えること、呼吸を整えること、そして心を整えること。その後、お経があった後、いよいよ座禅に入ります。
130327龍澤寺でみんなで2 牧之通り散策
 その後少し散歩がてら牧之通りを歩き、高田屋さんで古い建造物や品物を見せてもらい、最後になんと高野さんのご実家にお邪魔させていただきました短い時間でしたが、ご両親は大変あたたかく向かい入れてくださって、非常においしい井戸水やお菓子を くださいました。
 ふぅ、、、とにかく新潟への旅はかなり疲れて、いまいち頭も働いていませんが、新潟の皆さんには本当によくしていただいて、非常に充実した4日間でした。子供たちが少しでも多くのことを今回の新潟への旅で学んでいることを望んでいます。ではでは、これでようやく私も寝れます。おやすみなさい。    坂根菜摘

“Zen” at a temple, お寺で座禅

At the final day in Minami-Uonuma, students visited a local temple and experience “zen” and Japanese calligraphy.

南魚沼最終日の今日は、地元のお寺を訪ね、座禅と習字をさせてもらいました。 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

During zen practice, students were quite good to stay in the same pose, the monk admired.



They walked through an old street redeveloped recently resembling similar atmosphere as same as hundreds years ago.


Straw rope making, 縄ないを習う

After enjoyed playing in the snow, elder persons of the village taught students how to make rope with rice straw. In Yap, rope is made from coconuts fiber. Students were quite good rope makers, elders admired.



Joverlyn made a small sandal with this local elder.


Boys took the first hot spring in their life time.



Snow ball fighting! March 26th, 雪合戦に夢中!

(by Xinle Su)
Today started off with a trip to the local junior high school! Unfortunately I wasn’t able to be there but looked on as the school girls bade farewell warmly to the Yap youths. It sure seemed fun!
We went to Tochikubo Village soon after, when it was time to play in the snow! Before we even went to the actual snow playing area, chaos had already erupted as the youths started snowball fights. When we reached the snow area, youths had fun sleighing down slopes, building snowmans and houses, and barbecuing marshmallows. Before long, two hours had passed, and we trudged back to the community house tired but satisfied, ready to fill our stomachs with delicious local food. A kind of food of worthy mention during lunch was fermented soybeans, otherwise known as natto, which can apparently only be found in Japan. The 豚汁tonjiru was filled with much ingredients and warmed our freezing bodies.
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At the same community house, we were joined by 4 masters of straw-craft who taught us how to make sandals from straw. While it required much effort and patience to get the technique right, it seems that quite a few people completed making the sandals!

We returned to our lodging after that, at which point dinner preparations started. We had this “competition” whereby everyone in the cooking team had to cook his or her own version of fried rice, with a variety of seasonings offered. One interesting dish was from Christo, who added curry seasoning. Thumbs up for the imagination!

After a brief rest, we had one of our longest meetings! We divided into three groups to talk about experiences in Niigata and Tokyo after a general discussion. The atmosphere was lively and brimming with energy.

Everyone was dismissed at about 10, so they must be really tired from such a long day. お疲れ様でした!






夜は午後10時まで、これまでの活動をふり返ってのグループディスカッション。長い一日ご苦労さまでした。        今日の記録係 シンレ・スー

Running in the snow, 雪の中で走り回る


It was snowing this morning in Minami-Uonuma. Students visited Tochikubo-village, a mountainous community with 4 meters of snow in mid-winter. Still meters of snow was covering rice paddies and they start snow ball fighting naturally.




Some of them made a monument with a stone money on top.

何人かが作った雪の塔。一番上にヤップの石貨が乗っていました。OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


Even on the snow, students moved freely as same as in Yap.

慣れない雪の上なのに、ヤップの若者たちの動きは機敏。雪の上を走り回っていました。OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA