


Enjoyed the nature and lifestyle of a rural village in the rice farming workshop, “ABC in a rice paddy”


On the weekend of May 25 and 26, 2024, an Ecoplus Weekend Farming Workshop, “ABC in a Rice Paddy,” was held in Minamiuonuma City, Niigata Prefecture. Nineteen people from the Tokyo metropolitan area, Yamagata and Nagano prefectures participated, ranging from families with elementary school children to university students, young professionals, and senior citizens. Local farmers also supported the event. Under a blue sky, the participants enjoyed farming in chemical-free rice paddies while admiring the dazzling fresh green of Uonuma’s nature.


On the first day, we climbed to the 700-meter-high mountain pass commonly called “Kannon-sama” overlooking the Uonuma Basin to get an overall view of the Uonuma Basin. The mountains on the border of Gunma and Fukushima prefectures were clearly visible in the distance. A number of rare species of butterflies called “Gifucyo” danced around us. On the way back from the pass, we walked along the “old road” that UESUGI Kenshin took when he marched in the Kanto region. We actually walked through the terrain where the land had been hollowed out by the soldiers and horses, and we were reminded of the scene nearly 500 years ago.


The second day, we worked in the rice paddies. In one corner of the rice field were four seedbeds the size of one tatami mat. There, seedlings about 10 centimeters tall were growing in tight rows. Nowadays, seedlings are usually grown in greenhouses with warm conditions, and open-air “water seedbeds” have almost disappeared.


We took on the challenge of removing seedlings from this water nursery, a task that was commonplace until about 50 years ago. Bending over at the waist with both hands outstretched, we scooped out the seedlings as if we were scooping up the soil. The wild millet seedlings were growing in the seedbeds, so we had to identify and remove the millet seedlings. Both were so similar. The participants were challenged to identify the differences.


In the rice field where the rice was to be planted, a hexagonal wooden frame is rolled out to make a mark, and the seedlings are planted on the marks. The work of taking the seedlings, carrying them, and planting them unfolded fluidly as we all found ourselves sharing the work.


In about three hours, we finished the planting of about 150 square meters of rice. The participants then enjoyed a lunch of onigiri (rice balls) at the edge of the rice paddy. Participants left comments such as, “The feeling of putting my hands and feet in the mud made me wonder why I felt so happy,” and “I now understand how rice is grown.


The next workshop will be a weeding session on the weekend of June 22 and 23.


Order special rice, grown with minimum chemicals in Tochikubo Village


The organic rice farming program in Tochikubo Village, which we have been organizing since 2007, can no longer continue. This is because the community farming organization has ceased operations due to the aging of the farmers.


Meanwhile, in Tochikubo, HIGUMA Keiichi, a farmer in his thirties, has started to work as a full-time farmer. With the support of his senior farmers, he has successfully managed the daily tasks of plowing with a tractor, daily water management, mowing of the edges, and processing the harvested rice, and has produced excellent rice.


Last year, we had a harsh climate with no rain from late July to the end of August. Only less than 5% of the Koshihikari rice in Niigata was first class, but Higuma’s rice was all first class.

ECOPLUS is helping to promote and sell this rice.


The rice is “reduced pesticide rice,” which means that herbicides and other pesticides are not used. The price is 700 yen per kilo for brown rice, 800 yen per kilo for white rice, and shipping costs are not included. 


Enjoyed collaborative work in rice paddies

二枚目の田んぼの稲刈りの様子 A lapse shot of harvesting work in the 2nd rice paddy


ECOPLUS conducted the weekend farming workshop, “ABC in a rice paddy,” harvesting work, on 23-24 September 2023. Under the very unusual hot weather conditions, we learned about nature and agriculture in Shiozawa area, which is the heartland of famous Koshihikari rice, and enjoyed harvesting work by hand in non-chemical rice paddies.


On Saturday, the 23rd, the weather was a bit wet. We went to the top of the hill called “Kwanon-sama” at an altitude of 700 meters to observe the Uonuma Basin. Rice fields with yellow (not yet harvested), brown (just harvested) and green (more than weeks after harvest with weeds) made a beautiful patchwork. The soil of the hill is raised seabed that provides minerals to the snow melted water in the spring. These minerals give the best flavor to the rice grown here.


On Sunday the 24th we started harvesting under a beautiful blue sky. Among the 22 participants, only some had the experience of harvesting with sickles. They cut the bottom part of the rice stalks with sickles, then laid on the edge, crossed the bottom part in X-shape, then bundled two into one with dried straws. This was the most difficult part. Making the X shape makes it easier to hang the sheaf on the pole. One commented, “I understood that not only cutting, but also bundling and hanging must be done in one line.

あぜにシートを広げて「青空食堂」。Lunch on the edge.


By 1 pm, which took 4 hours from the beginning, the harvesting works of two rice paddies were completed. We set lunch place on the edge. Taking rice balls of newly harvested rice by the inn, all of us enjoyed talking about the value of rice and the beautiful environment in this area.


Rice Planting Workshop on Sep 23/24

Self regulation and PCR test negative, required


  • ハザかけのイロハ田んぼ


On September 23 and 24, ECOPLUS will conduct “Rice Harvesting Workshop” in Tochikubo village, Minamiuonuma as two-day program, only with those who are PCR test negatives.


Experience Japanese traditional rice harvesting by hands in organic rice paddy overseeing gorgeous mountainous view. Set your body and mind free in the safe open air. You may also deepen the insight of rice and agriculture through the workshop, as well as Japanese history and society.

 9月23 日午前11時。宿泊場所のホテルシャトーテル塩沢(新潟県南魚沼市塩沢2071)にお集まり下さい。鉄道で来られる方は、上越線塩沢駅までお越し下さい。迎えを検討します。

Gathering; 11:00 am on September 23, at our accommodations, “Chateau Shiozawa.” The nearest railway station is Shiozawa on JR Joetsu line. Let us know if you use rain, so that we will arrange transportation to the hotel.

活動場所 Location of the rice paddies.
 南魚沼市栃窪地区 イロハ田んぼ=At this rice paddy.

  Joetsu Shinkansen Toki 309
 Departing Tokyo at 08:52, arriving Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:21
  Joetsu local line
 Departing Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:30, arriving Shiozawa at 10:47


Contents and bringing
Harvasting rice by sickles by hands. Will be cancelled only in stormy condition. Bring your own lunch for day one. Clothings may get muddy. Insect repellent, a hat/cap. The boots are needed since it is very muddy. The participation guide will be provided for those whose participation is confirmed.

定員 Limit of participants.
 20人をめどとします。Up to 20 participants.

参加費 Fee
  18,500 JPY including program fee, accommodations with two meals, lunch on Sunday, insurance. Shared room. Single room available with extra 1,000 JPY. 13,500 JPY for students from Junior high to college, 9,500 JPY for primary school students.

申し込み Application
 下のフォームからお申し込み下さい。Please use below application form. 問い合わせは、tappo@ecoplus.jpまで。If needed contact to tappo@ecoplus.jp


Now Accept the order of “Sun-Dried Organic Rice,” 2022


We are starting to accept orders of sun-dried organic ice grown in our non-chemical rice paddies in Tochikubo village in Niigata. The rice which will be harvested and dried under the sun, will be delivered in November.



From the planting of seedlings to weeding and harvesting, ECOPLUS has been organizing workshops. Very limited amount of this precious rice will be available for sale.



No chemical materials, like pesticides and weed killers, were used. Fertilizer is 100% organic. Traditional sun drying process on the rack was taken. Because of so many hand works, such totally organic rice is almost vanished even in this Minamiuonuma, the heart land of famous “Koshihikari Rice.”

Polished 1,300 yen/kg and unpolished 1,200 yen/kg plus shipping. Rice grown with 80% less chemical is also available; polished 800 yen/kg, unpolished 700 yen/kg. Contact tappo@ecoplus or use the form below.







Weeding Workshop on June 11/12

Self regulation and PCR test negative, required



On June 11 and 12, ECOPLUS will conduct “Weeding Workshop” in Tochikubo village, Minamiuonuma as two-day program, only with those who are PCR negatives.


In the south-east facing terraced rice paddies, we will clear weeds in the 100% chemical free rice paddy by hands. Weedkiller and other chemical materials have only 60-year-history. Until then people had been growing rice organically for thousands years. Through the weeding works by hands, we will learn about the relation between the nature, human and agriculture.

 6 月11 日午前11時。宿泊場所の民宿「山田館」(新潟県南魚沼市樺野沢14)にお集まり下さい。鉄道で来られる方は、上越線上越国際スキー場前駅までお越し下さい。

Gathering; 11:00 am on June 11, at our accommodations, “山田館YAMADA-KAN” The nearest railway station is Joetsukokusai Ski-jo mae on JR Joetsu line. Let us know if you use public transportation.

活動場所 Location of the rice paddies.
 南魚沼市栃窪地区 イロハ田んぼ=At this rice paddy.

  Joetsu Shinkansen Toki 309
 Departing Tokyo at 08:52, arriving Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:21
  Joetsu local line
 Departing Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:30, arriving Joetukokusai Ski-jo mae at 10:45


Contents and bringing
Strolling the area, lecture on rice growing, interaction session and weeding by hands. Will be cancelled only in stormy condition. Bring your own lunch for Saturday, and water during activities. Clothings may get muddy. Insect repellent, a hat/cap. We recommend to come into the paddy with bare feet to feel the soil directly. Beach sandals are useful to wash your feet in a stream. More information will be provided for those whose participation is confirmed.

定員 Limit of participants.
 20人をめどとします。Up to 20 participants.

参加費 Fee (*宿泊先変更により、変更。参加決定者にお知らせします)
  18,500 JPY including program fee, accommodations with two meals, lunch on Sunday, insurance. Shared room. Single room available with extra 1,000 JPY. 13,500 JPY for students from Junior high to college, 9,500 JPY for primary school students.

申し込み Application
 下のフォームからお申し込み下さい。Please use below application form. 問い合わせは、tappo@ecoplus.jpまで。If needed contact to tappo@ecoplus.jp















Rice Planting Workshop on May 21/22

Self regulation and PCR test negative, required



On May 21 and 22, ECOPLUS will conduct “Rice Planting Workshop” in Tochikubo village, Minamiuonuma as two-day program, only with those who are PCR negatives.


Experience Japanese traditional rice planting by hands in organic rice paddy overseeing gorgeous mountainous view. Release your body and mind restricted by Covid-19 in the safe open air. You may also deepen the insight of rice and agriculture through the workshop, as well as Japanese history and society.

 5月21 日午前11時。宿泊場所のホテルシャトーテル塩沢(新潟県南魚沼市塩沢2071)にお集まり下さい。鉄道で来られる方は、上越線塩沢駅までお越し下さい。迎えを検討します。

Gathering; 11:00 am on May 21, at our accommodations, “Chateau Shiozawa.” The nearest railway station is Shiozawa on JR Joetsu line. Let us know if you use public transportation.

活動場所 Location of the rice paddies.
 南魚沼市栃窪地区 イロハ田んぼ=At this rice paddy.

  Joetsu Shinkansen Toki 309
 Departing Tokyo at 08:52, arriving Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:21
  Joetsu local line
 Departing Echigo-Yuzawa at 10:30, arriving Shiozawa at 10:47


Contents and bringing
Planting seedlings by hands. Will be cancelled only in stormy condition. Bring your own lunch for Saturday, and water during activities. Clothings may get muddy. Insect repellent, a hat/cap. We recommend to come into the paddy with bare feet to feel the soil directly. Beach sandals are useful to wash your feet in a stream. More information will be provided for those whose participation is confirmed.

定員 Limit of participants.
 20人をめどとします。Up to 20 participants.

参加費 Fee
  18,500 JPY including program fee, accommodations with two meals, lunch on Sunday, insurance. Shared room. Single room available with extra 1,000 JPY. 13,500 JPY for students from Junior high to college, 9,500 JPY for primary school students.

申し込み Application
 下のフォームからお申し込み下さい。Please use below application form. 問い合わせは、tappo@ecoplus.jpまで。If needed contact to tappo@ecoplus.jp


Virtually experience of the snow country


ECOPLUS conduced an “on-line tour” in Minamiuonuma on Jan 30, 2022. That is one of four tours which were organized by a tour company called “KNOTWORLD” with the budget of Niigata prefecture government.


For the tour, we had more than 30 participants from all over Japan from Hokkaido to Okinawa. From 11 a.m. the tour was started under the theme of “snow” guided by TAKANO Takako, executive director of ECOPLUS.


At the beginning, snow cover rice field of Tochikubo village was introduced. The place is 300 meters higher than town center. So the snow was reaching to 3 meters. Then, the camera moved to the house of Mr. FUEKI Akira, who has been growing non-chemical organic rice. He explained the harvest of the last season was good because of well weather condition.


The sun-dried non-chemical organic rice was delivered to the participants in advance so that they prepared cooked rice for this “tour.” Tasting the rice together, comment filed was filled with voices, like “Texture is soft,” “Sweet,” “Well sticky,” and “Grains are powerful.”


Mr. FUEKI also showed us how to manage a lot of snow fallen on the roof using traditional wooden slide. Participants learned the ways of living in deep snow.


In the later part of the tour, we visited Shiozawa Tsumugi Textile Museum. The area has more than 1,200 years of history of fabric. In old days, hemp closes and later silk ones were weaved. Mr. NAGUMO Masanori, the curator, explained the process from getting strings from fiber of outer skin of hemp plant to weaving with very traditional weaving mechanism.


Although it was a very short and on-line tour, participants asked many questions and comments through out the program and many are enjoying eating rice during this lunch time period while joining the tour.


It was the first time for ECOPLUS to organize the virtual tour. We learned a lot about online techniques, skills and tips for such unpredictable time caused by COVID-19. We really appreciate the kind support and collaboration by all participants and related persons today.


Special Sale; “Sun-Dried Organic Rice” — Sold Out, Thank you!

  • 211010稲上げオーナー田んぼ
  • 211010イロハ米モミ
  • 211020パノラマ無農薬玄米


We are happy to announce the special sale of the sun-dried organic rice grown in our rice paddy in Tochikubo village, Minamiuonuma. We conduct this sale in order to accept responses for the “Online Tour” on January 30. Only limited amount of the rice we have, so in one order, up to 5 kgs is available. The order from is on the bottom of this page.


No chemical materials, like pesticides and weed killers, were used. Fertilizer is 100% organic. Traditional sun drying process on the rack was taken. Because of so many hand works, such totally organic rice is almost vanished even in this Minamiuonuma, the heart land of famous “Koshihikari Rice.”


From the planting of seedlings to weeding and harvesting, ECOPLUS has been organizing workshops since 2007. In 2022 season, we will conduct the program carefully seeing the situation of COVID-19.